New Issues Creating Toolpath on F360

Hey John!

I personally do NOT have a good Internet connection, and that could be part of MY issue, for sure, but I have also tried switching Fusion to offline mode and it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Like I said a ways back, my 12gb Nvidia 3D graphics card is known to have some arbitrary compatibility issues with Fusion, so that could be the problem. And according to their forums, Fusion 360 had a bunch of Windows 10 folks unable to even log in after the second to last update, so who knows…

Regardless, my work-around seem to be working; they’re just a major pain in the butt to implement.

Anyway, yeah, the machine is working great! That Everlast 62i is a BEAST and the Langmuir machine is doing everything it’s supposed to be doing. My only struggles are because of all this damn ultra-fine sand everywhere up here. I’m over here cleaning my lead screws and rails with a paintbrush, and my machine still has some creaks and squeaks it didn’t used to.

Regarding the open sections in @mdmuss’s design, I always wonder if things get lost when exporting files. I say this because @ds690 (I think) found open lines in my design a few posts up, but I’ve never had a design where I could select a closed contour or render a body that had a sketch with an open section, no matter how small, and I wasn’t having issues selecting any of my contours or generating bodies on that design.

And then, almost everything I have downloaded from FireShare has had open sections, which always made my scratch my head. I’m going to guess that when your sketch isn’t fully constrained, things “open” when you export your file…

Anyway, fhat’s just my working theory.

Hope you’re well bud!


I don’t see anything there…

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See my above comment, @mdmuss…I think you might be alright.

I made really quick video. My audio sucks but you can pause and see my settings during video.

Not for Commercial Use) - Autodesk Fusion 360 (Personal - Not for Commercial Use) - 2 July 2023 (


One of the things I love and hate about Fusion 360 is that there are many different ways to do the same thing @DonP. I haven’t tried selecting sketch geometry the way you show it here, so I’ll have to give it a shot and see if it works any better for me. Thanks!


Getting ready to take Mrs BigDaddy out but here is a screen shot of the open locations.




How do you get those to show up like that they are not showing like that on my end. Let me know thanks for your help

Sketch checker from Fusions website.
You may need to zoom in real big . Like real big. It could be so small its hard to see. Check all the blue dots.


Your not kidding Don…


What exactly is going on here then? It looks fine on my end I’ve been doing this a long time and usually can find my mistakes or broken lines. I cannot see nothing on this

Here you go. Just change the plasma cutter from Everlast to yours.


Wow! Awesome :+1: I will give it a try tomorrow morning. Much appreciated :+1:

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Oh my bad. I thought the goal was to tick her off so she isn’t mad when I sleep on the couch.


@Phillipw that made me laugh out loud!! thanks!! :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Just wanted to let you know that it worked still can’t figure out my problem. It is still not working the way it was before. Still having problems with everything I design since the last update.
What a headache I cannot get anything done.
Just finally finished a cut pad that I’ve been working on for about a week. I always set my outer perimeter cut start point at the lower left corner somewhere. I did the same with this drawing ran a test cut no fire and the damn thing started in the bottom right hand corner of the simulation cut on the table in the software it shows that in the lower left Riddle me that Batman!

Been doing this for 5 years I’m about ready to give up… All thanks too Autodesk…
Anybody else have this problem or figure this out yet? Ridiculous!!! They have basically made the software impossible to use. Must be the new way. They do the same thing where I work with the machinery…

Contact Autodesk. You may have gotten a corrupt file downloaded during this last update. My computers are all up to date with Fusion without any problems. Autodesk responds very quickly. Be prepared for a thick accent indian to call you. :grin:



I ll take a couple runs at your file on the live stream. maybe we’ll find something??

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@mdmuss can you save and export your f3d after you developed the toolpath that failed, like in your screenshot above.

I managed to make a clean path.


Yeah I got it cut the other day because I think it was done here on the forum took my file and fixed a bunch of bad lines. I threw it on my table and it cut fine but in my software I can’t do anything with it it just comes up with the errors. Every drawing I do is basically doing the same thing some of them I have finished and run in and tried to edit them and then they don’t work no more. I’ve cut them before. I’m about ready to completely uninstall fusion shut my computer down and restart it clean everything off of it fusion related and redownload it. This is insane!!!

On top of all the other BS that I’m dealing with with this offer now it’s doing this. Cut it once should have been fine cut a line all the way across the bottom of the letters. Went into the file re-edited everything try it again and it did the same damn thing. The software is really becoming crap! Had this problem when I was a newbie I’ve been doing this for several years This is totally ridiculous two pieces of wasted steel.