Hi fellas. My first post here on the forum . I’m looking to buy a small table to start of with and already own a Miller 375 X-treme . Looking to do small projects with mild steel up to 10ga. My question to you is what do I need to make it work or should I just upgrade. My plan is hopefully to do enough projects to pay for the table then save up to get a bigger table. Here’s a bumper my son built with 10ga. using cardboard templates. Having a CNC table sure would have been nice cutting out all the pieces.
Welcome, I own the 675 xtreme, have had it a couple years and added the Crossfire a few weeks ago, it is real damn cool to have, better then I thought it would be.
The crossfire is a good place to start, it does have its limitations but nothing I cant work around with the way it is built.
I have had a few problems but not much considering what I have gained.
Between some of the guys here in this forum and my son we have worked through all hiccups so far.
The Miller Plasma machines are not the best to use on the table because the XT40 torches don’t like to be clamped real hard but we are working around it.
Download Fusion360 ASAP and start learning it before you get your table, there is a learning curve but once you got it-you got it. The videos these dudes walk you through it very thoroughly, be patient and it will click for you.
Good luck man, expand your skills and capabilities.
Greetings. Here is a thread for wiring the 375X with some basic cut guidelines. Cutting 10gauge should be easy peasy, and my guess is you can probably even get decent cuts all the way up to 1/4".
Also, how are the Miller plasmas with their duty-cycle? It shows 35% @ 30A, however I think that it probably very conservative. The reason I ask is that a lot of your cuts in 10Gauge are going to be at full bore, and 4+ minutes of cutting time is going to be quite normal when you’re running the table.
What are the specs of your air compressor? You don’t need anything crazy, but it’s good to know the limitations of what you can do before you decide to buy.
Hopefully those that own a 375 can chime in on the actual real-world experience.
Well my compressor is super old a hand me down from my friends dad. Reading from the sticker its a 2HP 7.3 CFM @ 40PSI with a 20 gal tank. Its a 220v. Haven’t hit any compressor limitations
The 375x cuts pretty well actually. Ive been cutting 3/16 @ 45ips @30amp the edges look great.
I was cutting something complicated and did run into a duty cycle issue. The fix for this is to add a longer pause between cuts, which you can by adding an edit in the code. You shouldn’t have issues with 10gauge . I was doing 11 gauge aluminum at the time . I did’t do a continuous 4 minute cut though.
I’m probably going to upgrade to a 675x though just because my friend is looking to buy a 375x.
There you go ACman, you should be fine if 10ga is all you need to cut.
As far as compressors are concerned, I can also share my experience. Using a Razorweld45 which specs out as a little thirstier for air, I use a Husky 30 gallon home depot 115V compressor. It’s spec’d at 5.4 CFM@90psi, and I have ran it straight for more than 10 minutes, and the pressure at tank never dipped below 110PSI. After the first couple minutes the motor kicks in, and then it’ll run continuously until I stop cutting.
I could see how my setup wouldn’t work if I were to almost continuously cut in a production environment, however I’m not even close to there at the moment.
Damn man, that bumper is looking great, good job!
Thanks guys . He had it sprayed with colored match bed liner and it already took a deer hit with no damage to the front of the truck .
As far as compressors go I should be good to go and we’re looking at just buying one of their packages now.