My machine updated its firmware this morning from 1.3 to 1.4 version. I haven’t run it yet, so we shall see what happens. Note I am running 23.1 Cutcontrol, not 22.1. I’m not sure if that is a factor.
But Langmuir still hasn’t posted the source code for any of the MR-1 firmware even though it’s required by the GPL licensed code that they based it off of.
I appreciate all of the recent posts from @Langmuir-Nick and other people at support, hopefully they can make this happen.
I’m checking here, if the Langmuir version of GRBL for the MR-1 is posted elsewhere please let us know:
Hey @langmuir-jake , could you possibly shed some light on this for us?
They updated it this morning. Thank you so much!
Gentlemen, yesterday I loaded the new CutControl 24.1.1 onto my MR-1 ( I’m using the Langmuir touchscreen and mini computer setup). On the screen in the upper left hand corner there is a yellow “Update Machine” button. Upon activating the button a window appears asking if you want to update the machine Firmware to version 1.4. After hitting the yes button the update began and displayed about 10% of the update completed. Four hours later it still shows the same 10% and no further progress and the screen is frozen. I shut down the screen and computer, rebooted and tried it again and had the same result. Anyone else have this same problem, any suggestions? Also when attempting to download the new CutControl directly to the mini-computer, the download seemed to stall out. I downloaded the program to my desktop computer loaded it to a thumb drive and then transferred it to the mini-computer. All my computers and machines are running off the same strong internet connection. Thoughts???
The firmware it’s trying to update is the chip on the control box board, not your computer. I could be wrong. My firmware was already at 1.4 with 23.1.1 version of CutControl.
This is just a recommendation. These units work flawlessly on the MR1.
You maybe running out of ram on that supplied PC. I believe it only has 4gb on it.
Hey Bigdaddy, Thanks for responding! I checked out the specs on my mini-computer, it displays that I have 3.83 GB of usable ram and 29.5 GB of free disc space available. Out of habit and paranoia I never connect the computers operating my machines to the internet unless I am updating software etc. I strictly use them just for operating the machines, I don’t even store nc. files on them. I transfer nc files via a thumb drive. I am no computer expert, but I would think that I have enough ram and memory on that computer to download the firmware. Is the firmware update a huge amount of data? I tried turning off the firewall and had the same failed result. Anyway, thanks for giving some thought to it! Cheers.
That’s how much RAM it recognizes in the system (with the standard PC LM supplies), not how much is available. PCs will recognize slightly less RAM than what is advertised. However, 4 GB is very minimal for a Windows 10/11 operating system. You have to look at available vs used memory (which if you have 4GB, it can’t be 3.83 GB available because just the OS uses significantly more than that without running any foreground applications). I was really disappointed that the PC they sent out was not RAM upgradable, like I assumed it would be. If I had to do it over again, I would have just got the monitor and bought a better mini-PC or built my own.
Also, when you download a file, it doesn’t use much RAM to do that as it is just saving the file to the hard drive. It is potentially the running of Cut Control while trying to update the firmware on the control board, that could be running out of RAM. When Windows runs out of RAM, it then tries to use the page file on the hard drive, which is slower but usually has more space.
I would try it again and watch the amount of used RAM out of 4 GB and the diskspace available (to see if the page file is ballooning and causing it to run out of space). The latter is less likely but ~30 GB isn’t that much hard drive space anymore. Depending on how the application works, it can be eaten up rather quickly. Or it could be a number of other things like communication issues with the control board, something wrong with the control board, or just a software bug in the update process.
If you have any other questions, I’ll try to help if possible as I would consider myself a computer expert as I’ve worked in computers, networking, and data centers for 26 years (and building my own PCs since middle school). If it is a cut control or control board issue, then I may not be as much help though.
Hey wheelz, Thanks for all that information. I will take your suggestion and try it again while monitoring the amount of RAM being used. I may end up following Bigdaddy’s lead and buying a more capable computer. Thanks!
I’m considering that as well