Recently was cutting aluminum and the spindle stalled. Now when I try to start the spindle manually I can hear the inner workings spinning but the tool does not rotate. Has anyone else ran into this? I checked all the fuses and those are intact. restarted everything and still not luck… im thinking I fried the motor. Any suggestions?
Hey Erik, if you can still hear the motor trying to run then it sounds like the timing belt might have come loose. You can check the belt by taking off the spindle cover.
Thanks for the fast reply Jake. Are you referring to the four bolts that mount the motor when you say motor mount plate? I ask because they don’t look slotted at all…
That’s frustrating… If the motor’s spinning but the spindle isn’t, it could be a problem with the coupler or maybe a sheared key between the spindle and the motor. Fingers crossed it’s not the motor itself
Update: took the motor off and found out the timing belt has snapped. Jake was very helpful in getting me a new belt. Should be back up and running soon.