Minimum cut spacing

I’ve got a Vipercut 30. It cuts about an 0.030" kerf. I need to cut out an bunch of circles for some 3/32 stock. How close can I space the circles in the drawing so that the adjacent cuts don’t interfere with each other? I’m trying to nest them closely so as to not waste stock. I’ve never experimented with this and am wondering what other’s experiences are.


well…there are programs you can use for nesting and you input the spacing your require…I thing even Firecontrol has some basic nesting… is another…
as for the spacing…my gut tells me space a full kerf width apart to start…then reduce or increase after a few trials

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That seems reasonable to me, too. I’ve attached an example showing the type of cut I’m going to do. If I spaced them 2 kerfs apart, there would be no “skeleton” after the cut. Any closer would only save a few thousandths for each row/column in the array. I wonder if I’m approaching this wrong. If I did a minimum spacing that avoided a skeleton, I would have a bunch of loose stars between the circles that might cause tip-up problems. Maybe I should leave a 1/8" between each circle to keep the stars connected and stable. Again not talking much metal wasted, less than an inch.


your reasoning seems sound…but then look at the waste of material option and the cost of wasted material…weigh the proc and cons of the spacing…
tip ups
wasted material cost
possible parts damage…
time to hover and watch