Miller 625 X-treme dross (Solved)

Here is 0.7 and 1.0 on the pierce delay and the leads slowed to 100 ipm.

WAY better!

Unfortunately, I now have to go to work. Haha.


Still should be better. Trying slowing everything down to 100 IPM

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check all the mechanical connections for your Z axis assuming you are using THC. we had all kinds of shaft coupler issues. for a pretty nice machine Lanmuir dropped the ball when it came to motor to Acme drive screw couplers. Make sure everything is nice & clean. Since there is no active feedback built in, the computer really doesn’t know where the torch is so if something is slipping or getting hung up the cut won’t be where it is programmed to be, and your pierce settings are corrupted. we are using the 625 X-treme with the machine torch, QCAD, SheetCAM and Langmuir cut program on the small table with the extention kit. Also, as a test widen out your cutouts and see what happens…old do something even if it’s wrong, may learn somethig regardless

I will second Mikep on clean it up and check tightness of the couplers connecting motor to screw. I had an issue traced back to slipping between motor and screw that caused misbehaving.

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Thanks guys. I will check that out and report back when I get home this weekend.

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Alright guys sorry for the delayed update, but here’s where I am at. The Z-axis was binding a little bit and the coupler was slipping (Thanks @mikep and @MapleLeafRanch). Additionally, the Y-axis lead screw bearing and motor supports were loose. I appreciate everyone’s help and I certainly learned a ton throughout this process.

Lastly, I upgraded to the HT Powermax45 as the Langmuir marketing for $300 off successfully worked on this guy. :rofl: The letters cut much better on the start stop, but my question now though is how good should they look on the rest of the cut.

(Not sure if I should start a new post or not) I started with the book settings for 14 ga steel and tried a few small variations. This cut was with the following settings: 0.6 cut height, 0.15 pierce height, 0.7 pierce delay, 45 amps, default cutter psi (psi to the cutter was 95 psi), 300 ipm (letters looked slight better at 225 ipm, but straight lines looked better at 300). Notice the jagged edges on the curved portions of the letters. I have not tried slowing down with feed optimization yet, but will try this weekend. Smoothing set at 0.0004 and I was using lead in/out at 0.06 and 60 deg with finishing overlap at 0.02 (still have small dimples where it starts/stops, but feel like they are acceptable). If someone has a picture of what “right” looks, like please let me know. I am ok if this is it, but just want to narrow down if this is something I can improve within the software or if this is in the table. Finecut consumables will be here tomorrow, so I will try them this weekend, slower and with feed optimization. Thanks again!

Definitely should. You now have a different plasma cutter. Too distracting for someone with a Miller to find this information helpful.

You definitely need to try to the feed optimization and you will see more bottom side dross once you do. That is just an acceptable sacrifice for less bevel. Top dross may suggest your cut height is too high and/or cut speed is too fast.

The jagged cut suggests a need for lubrication on one or more of your lead screws.

Smoothing at 0.0004 may be a bit extreme but is not causing problems. I would probably set at 0.004.

Check your lead-in/lead-out speeds: perhaps if they are increased slightly, you will limit the dimples. You might be more inquisitive: Is the dimple before or after the lead-in. Perhaps you need to increase your pierce delay. Everyone with Hypertherm units, generally need a bit more delay to get a good pierce. 0.7 may be okay. Go up to 0.75 and see if that helps or hurts. Go down to 0.68 and same thing: helps or hurts?

But only make one change at a time now. You are getting close and you don’t want to make lots of changes which might confuse the situation: “Throwing out the baby with the bath water” so to speak.


Thanks @ChelanJim. I just tried your recommendations and used the FineCut consumables. It is so much better. I think I am finally where I hoped to be with the quality of cuts.

Thanks again for everyone’s help.