Miller 625 with 301158 automation kit

Does anyone have any clue what wires i have to hook to the cross fire pro to make the torch fire? it dry runs fine just cant get the torch hooked up> thanks in advance!

The wiring diagram / wire colors are in the miller manual…You can see my hookup here:

but be sure to check manual and LS’s documentation to make sure you have the wires right.

You’ll use 4 of the 6 wires. The miller will put out an Arc OK signal, but it’s not used on the CF Pro board.

The blue / blue white are torch on/off in my setup.

Thank you for the Pics they helped tremendously i am having one more issue and you seem like the go to guy i am getting the machine to cut but makes the first cut then stops if i restart it does the next cut then i have to restart again any suggestions??

Not the ‘go to’ guy - there are lots of folks on here I learn from :+1: - but I do have same / similar setup to you…it sounds like perhaps FireControl is pausing after each cut. If you could post some more details - like the message you are getting on screen and perhaps some sample g-code…the only time I’ve had it stop like that is when I told it to stop after each cut with a special g-code command - M0 - I think it was…

I know this is an older thread but hoping to resurrect it for a follow-up question.
I am installing the Miller 301158 automation kit on my 625 and I can see from previous posts that the blue/blue white combo is correct for the torch trigger function. However, my kit has a secondary wire harness that routes out the side of the case with a white and black wire pair with ring terminals attached.
There is no mention of the function in the manual or that I have been able to find online.
Does anyone know the function of these wires? I am hoping that it is a secondary pair of trigger wires as I am setting up a standard Crossfire table so I only need the trigger function.

I figured out where the 2 mystery wires get connected. The manual shows them straight out instead of routed in the picture so it was deceiving.

Automation kit installed, torch works manually but not automated using the blue and blue/white wires for the trigger.

Using Mach 3. Are there any settings I need to change in Mach3 to make it fire?



how old is your crossfire table…is it version1 or version 2…
newer tables use only Firecontrol

It is an older table that is new to me. The previous owner ran it with Mach 3, mine is a new install so I am thinking it is a configuration issue with the software.


so this is mostly out of my knowledge base…
I do not know Mach 3
and I do not know much about the 2x2 tables…

if I am not mistaken you need to re-license Mach3…that might be a problem…not sure if you can transfer
the license.

@dragracer77 I think that it is transferable. All that you need to do is contact the original seller and ask him to email you a copy of the License that he received from Mack3.

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I see that this post is quite aged but I do not see where a true answer was ever given. I’ve purchased the automation kit (MIller Part# 301158). The Automation Kit came with a CAT6 Receptacle. Out of this receptacle is a 6 prong plug and two wires that connect inside the 625. On the opposite end of the CAT6 cable there is 3 sets of wires. One set is a blue wire and a blue/white wire, the second set is an orange wire and an orange/white wire, and the third set is a brown and brown/white wire. On the Crossfire Pro I have the plug that comes out of the Torch On/Off and has two female clips on the opposite end. I’m seeing that the blue and blue/white connect here but I cannot find where the other two sets of wires need to connect in the Crossfire Pro so I can start attempting to operate. I’ve attempted to call Langmuir for customer support but they’re phone communications is non-existent and when you email them it takes a few days for a reply. I am needing to get this table operating. Please help me if you can. I appreciate it.

Could you show a diagram and pictures of how you wired the 6 wires coming from the Cat6 Cable in the Crossfire Pro box?