Many Thanks Please Read!

I have a friend that has a 13 year old dog . That is dying and his name is JOE… He lives at a Daylily Farm and guards the flowers from deer. I wanted to do a sign for his owner which we have befriended over the years. I asked on the forum for somebody to help me. Which I can do simple fusion360 work but not alot . And forum name member ChelanJim helped me design and did the programming for it. He is just the greatest guy and had it in his heart to help me. THANKS A MILLION JIM !!!


That’s gonna look really good when painted. Make sure to update your thread with the final product.

Yeah, @ChelanJim @TinWhisperer and @DonP are going to be the first three inductees into the LS/Plasma cutter support Hall of Fame when it gets initiated. They make this site the gem that it is for us less experienced guys!


David, I am humbled by the public acknowledgement but I don’t deserve this praise. Had I not stepped up, there are at least five other people that would have gladly taken the challenge and would have done as well or better.

I truly am only trying to give back for all that others, on this forum, have taught me. I am not going to list names but you people know who you are. Plus, I have a soft spot for dogs, as you might imagine.

Perhaps one request from me to you David, if the owner would permit, would be to share the original photo you sent me. I don’t feel I have the right to share what you shared privately to me.


That looks great!

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