I was playing around with the straight cut generator on some 1/4" steel, and I was absolutely amazed at the quality of the resulting edge. It was better than if I’d run it through my band saw…with the exception of the start. I was just messing around and am a beginner to boot, so I have no idea what I’m doing. I started the cut off the edge of the piece, rather than in the middle, as my goal was to separate it into two pieces.
For perhaps obvious reasons, the initial part of the cut wasn’t very good. But I can’t figure out how I would do this. Ideally, with the cut generator from within FireControl, as that would be very convenient. But do I need to have a program that starts somewhere in the material, backs up to an edge and then goes forward again? If I did that, wouldn’t I wind up with a pierce artifact?
I feel like if I were doing this by hand (i’ve never used my torch by hand) I’d be able to kind of start right on the edge and feel my way through getting the cut started. I’m just not sure how to make a computer do it.
Probably it’s just me being a n00b, and either trying to do something that can’t be done or missing something obvious. Would appreciate being edumacated in either case. Thanks!