Hi Matt.
Yes, please send me a PayPal gift of $100 and I’ll work to get them into the mail today. Please be sure to include you address in the notes. I’ll provide tracking once received.
Thanks, Steve.
Hi Matt.
Yes, please send me a PayPal gift of $100 and I’ll work to get them into the mail today. Please be sure to include you address in the notes. I’ll provide tracking once received.
Thanks, Steve.
As soon as it gets here or the vendor replys with the body dimensions, ill send it over via paypal.
thank you
Hi Matt. Got your PayPal. I’ll get them in the mail asap.
Thanks again, Steve.
Hi guys and gals. Posted these up on the FB page and now here too.
Took the stepped nozzle from the pt/ipt torches (and probably of few other brands) and chucked it up in the lathe. As you can see, it fits the mounts perfectly now.
Not sure of the exact method just yet on how to get these and then out to a customer for a reasonable price but just wanted to share the results for now.
Yes, just set it up under tension the to the chuck with a live center. Slow and light cuts. It leaves a very light powder behind that I immediately vacuumed up and wiped away, pretty sure we don’t want to be breathing that stuff. That white piece on the bottom is threaded on too and can be removed.
Any of these available? I’ve got a Hypertherm 65 with the Duramax Machine Torch.
I just ordered a Tecmo machine torch for the RW45, and was wondering if these were available?
While this will work I would highly advise against it
Part of the advantage to a machine torch is not having to remove it to change consumables. Meaning once it’s setup and perpendicular to the table you will be less likely to get angled cuts (that are due from the torch not being perfectly straight) less timing playing with it. Not having to remove it to change consumables etc. Stick with the round ones that Steve is making
Oh that’s what I meant, just ordered the round one from Steve yesterday, I’m pumped!
Steve are you still making theses?
Hi. I am still making them. In the middle of completing the programs for a cnc batch of them with the operator. Have quite a few folks patiently waiting on me and hope to have ready to ship in January sometime.
Price is still $100 shipped though.
The HT45 is different from say the Tecmo, where the lower portion of the body is a bit smaller OD. With that, I am making two different mounts so as to keep them as squared up as possible.
Let me know if you would like to be added to the list and I’ll reach out when ready.
Thanks again, Steve.
Yes I would. I have A THERMAL DYNAMICS SL100SV TORCH though. Could you make one for this torch if so do you need dimensions for it?
I most certainly can! Send me the OD of the torches body and a quick pic of it please.
Sent funds for a set
Ok. I will get those to you. Thanks.
1.375 -1.380 inches is the OD.
Ok, pretty standard OD for the machine torches. Would you like me to add you the list? Hope to be ready to ship some time in January. $100 to your door.
Thanks, Steve.
Yes. That would be great.
Done, have a great holiday!