Machine Losing Origin Point


I was machining a piece of stainless steel and making a boss on the surface. About 1hr into the program the machine seemed to lose the origin point and decided to try and go through the center of the stock. I quickly stopped the program and pushed go to X/Y zero and it was off by 3-5 inches (Probably from the axis motors skipping because they tried to push my tool through the stock. But, has anyone ever had this problem before?

Also, a quick note. My tool was broken but I can not tell if it happened during this failure or before.

It could be missed steps by the stepper motor. I was having similar issues (on a smaller scale) until I upgraded the drivers.

i have had issues, but only when cutting to much. backed off the feeds and all was good. but it sucks when its in the middle of a part like this. lots of trial and error.

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