Machine doesn't follow toolpath

Tomorrow is my Friday and I’ll have a few days off so I will work on writing up instructions and see about putting it on a video so you can see how easy it is.

It maybe Wednesday but I will get a new thread started, it has helped me allot and saved material and mistakes, but it does cost you time which can be helpful if your worried about your duty cycle.

A brief write up should be fine, and I think I understand the method and the impact, but, if I understand it correctly, the method is good where you want to accomplish success without a lot of experimenting.

I just crashed into a tip up last night… Here is how I handle that…


That is a great video, thanks for sharing.

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Here is a link to the new thread that I started to explain how I use the M06


looks like your using the regular mach3 post processor in sheet that has Z enabled, thus why you have values in the Z axis DRO. This will add seconds to your peirce delay even if you change the peirce delay in sheetcam to a lower value.

I would suggest using the “Mach3 with no Z” or something to that effect from the post processor list .