Mach3 Pierce Delay Issue

Looking for your Sheetcam setup.

On the left there’s the Tools set:

Pick one and double-click to open it up and show the detailed definition:

Then in the lower left is the Operations box where you define your toolpath operations:

Pick one and double-click so I can see how you’ve set the operation to use the tool.

While you’re at it, can you also grab your Options|Machine|Post processor window?

I’ve got my no-THC profile (modded) but I haven’t changed any of my tools or operations after I swapped the modded post and didn’t see the delays you were seeing. I’m thinking possibly my settings don’t cause the creation of anything meaningful in terms of Z controls so there’s no delay associated with them.

I think there’s somewhere that I’m not using

in your mod, a few lines that specify the z code don’t have the – at the beginning to tell it to ignore that line.

I conpared yours with the MACH3 PLASMA NO Z post and they are pretty much identical except for those few lines having the --.

I think that one of the differences is that the other day I hit the THC Min and entered 3 to see how it did something and haven’t been able to get it back to -3 yet, I believe that is what it was on.

The next thing that I see is that you have your plunge rate set to 60ipm and mine is still set to 3.937 and that would explain the additional time that mine is taking to allow for travel when the z axis lines are in there.

I made a copy of the no z post then applied your fix to it.

Ok, I changed my plunge rate to 60 to match yours and I got my THC min back to -3 then ran the post again now it runs the same on both, 22sec firing time. So I believe that anyone seeing longer than expected delays using your post needs to check their plunge rate and up it to 60 or more like you have your’s. I even went up to 300 but it made no difference so I believe that your getting all you can at 60.

So now we know, and once again you made me dig in and see what the difference was so maybe someone else will benefit from this.

Thank you again James.

Looks good. I should probably go & eliminate the Z pieces from my modified post. But now I’ll have to dig in and see why the plunge rate at 60ipm causes this it to behave as we want but lesser values slow it down.

I probably would not re invent the wheel, you already fixed it and I took the 2 lines that you modded in the one you did and put them in the no z post and works just fine, no matter what the plunge rate was set to.

Thank you again.

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Just reading the conversation between you two makes one (me) feel really stupid - just saying.

But sincerely, I’m glad you guys are around. Thanks for all the helpful information.


Would Pierce Delay cause torch blow out (that is with water table)? I’m a novice and first attempt to cut the Razor Cut 45 lights up and appears torch is turned off but air still blowing. But also program halts as well (crashes laptop). I checked torch manually and it cuts. If a run program without torch on, the crossfire executes the entire program and the cutout few shows progress.
Not sure what is causing my failure, any help, guidance would be appreciated.

When I change this setting, it does not stay? when I go back in the box is turned off? Any ideas?


I think one of the last things you have to do is click “save changes”… Or, “Save”… After you’ve made changes in your “General Config”

Checking mine now…

Yup… Try this…

Didn’t work. I tried that.

Maybe a re-load of Mach is in order…? I admittedly don’t know the program inside and out… There may be a user file that needs to be overwritten… Anyone else??

I just loaded it, and having problems with torch fire delay, brand new computer and fresh load of Mach, I understand the change that needs to be made, just not sure sure why Mach won’t accept the change. Thanks for helping.

Hey Shawn are their any users other than you setup on your computer?

Removed because of some misinformation I thought I knew… Thanks James for reminding me of things I’d forgotten.

You should only be running Sheetcam on one PC - that’s the term of the license. You aren’t generating the tap file with Mach 3 and you aren’t making tweaks to the paths, etc using Mach 3 either. That’s what Sheetcam does. Mach 3 just runs the GCode Sheetcam generates. Unless you’re editing the GCode directly in Mach 3 via notepad, having Sheetcam on your design computer and Mach 3 on your cutting computer won’t result in any differences to the GCode or your cuts.

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Well, I can see Todd’s point if he uses SheetCam for multiple machines, like CrossFire and CrossFire Pro, where he has different setups for each one. But, to your point, the license terms of SheetCam are pretty specific about ‘one computer’. However, I did get a confirmation from Lee @ SheetCam that you can have it installed on one other machine as long as you’re only ever using it on one of those machines. My query was specifically related to installing on a computer at my Summer house (where I won’t be heading this year :cry:

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Yes, you can ask for & get special permission to use it on two machines. Lee’s a decent guy.

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how i interpreted it is that you can install sheetcam on multiple computers/laptops as long as they are all yours (the same user that bought the license).

technically you can install the license on your friends and neighbors pc’s, but is that ethical? No

Perfect example, a guy on facebook was selling the sheetcam license for cheap to unsuspecting users (me included) saying that he had an “extra” one that he got with another table. idk how many people bought it from him but eventually, the software company found out and blocked that license from being used again.

To be clear, my information is that I got a special permission to install it on a second remote computer, so remote that I couldn’t possibly use it on more than one. And reading the license terms it specifically says one computer, which is why I asked about my remote system. What you do and can do is not my concern, I just want to clarify what I know about the licensing terms.

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