Limit switch tried to self destruct!

At some point today while working on my CF Pro, my x-axis limit switch flew apart. I realized there was something wrong when I went to try and home the machine and it bumped up against the bolt head and tried to keep going…

And by fly apart I mean that the metal finger that actuates the switch flew off. I was lucky enough to find it on the floor and was able to push it back in place and so far it still works.

After looking at the setup I noticed that one of the IHS wires is awfully close to the switch when close to zero on the x.

I’m wondering if it didn’t somehow hook the metal clip and pull it off. I was going to try and tie it up, but couldn’t figure out how without limiting the z travel.

So just a PSA for all of you with Limit Switches.

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While messing with it trying to come up with a way to keep that wire from doing a repeat performance, I found that the screw holding the end of the other wire on the other side of the z is loose. When I went to tighten it up I realized I can’t get to that screw without disassembling the z-axis assembly.

Has anybody done this and are there any gotchas I should be aware of? The assembly manual doesn’t cover this since the z-axis came completely assembled. smh.

As a backup plan I may drill a hole through the torch mount plate lined up with the screw to give me access. I’m pretty sure it’s aluminum.

The screw is directly behind where the screwdriver is pointing.

People have drilled holes in the Z carriage to allow tool access to those screws.


What David is saying is “People do all sorts of things like diving off cliffs, driving without seatbelts and drilling holes in the ‘z carraige.’” Are you going to be one of ‘those’ people???

…just teasing. :rofl:
Sometimes you just have to do, what you have to do.