Lifted up the table

Very nice. Your the first i have seen that has a shop swimming pool!

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Love the shop, well done. Also like the mods you did to the table and plan on going this route as well. Thanks for sharing.

We’re in the middle of the garage remodel ourselves. :slight_smile:


This is awesome. Well done

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That looks real nice, what did you do to the floors I really like the way they shine.

When I did the floor two years ago, I had my concrete guy burnish the concrete.

Not quite mirror polished, but enough to seal the concrete. Stuff literally wipes right up.

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It’s ok lol :clap: Manybe put 10 of my shop in there. I hate you . Just joking of course. lol luck for you I just trying to find that magic Button or the lottery . Maybe tip ? Thanks for :loudspeaker: Sharing your projects. :us: you are a PRO. :kiss:

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Continuing the discussion from Lifted up the table:

What size square tube (and wall thickness) did you end up using for your base legs that slip over the LS legs? Really like your setup!

Its 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" square tubing used primarily for reciever hitches.

num1huskr’s setup is awesome.

Here is the cheap version. I was really just wanting the shelf and mobile feature. The leveling feet are still on the legs. I used 2" x 2" angle and heavy gauge expanded metal. I have two cross braces that are also angle, but a little smaller. My casters are self levelers, so I either just lock them, or go ahead and lock and level. I do wish I had gone with 3" casters.

This is just after finishing it. Nice and clean!


very nice job, my wife is always making fun of me because I pretty much put wheels on everything and when I add some to her herb garden cart she learned to appreciate the mobility of it.

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Hahaha joes wife here and I have been telling him since we built the house (20 years) let me do this to his garage! :flushed::woman_facepalming::thinking::grinning: although he did let me help him get it better then it was to have a place for the table! :joy::joy::joy:

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Let them laugh, All my stuff is on wheels in order to move off to side to use the car lift. I can lift my ford raptor and walk under it and around it with everything off to side out of way.

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I’ll have joe take some pics of his shop! He has a car lift too! Another present from his awesome wife!:champagne::+1::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Here is some more pics from today, doing exhaust manifolds on a expedition.


Geez that shop is nice but way to clean. LOL

Mine too. Even though I have a 2000 sq ft, 4 bay, I still like everything mobile. The lift bay is off limits to anything permanent, except that lift.

And, as you can see, I like to repurpose scrap (junk) to make my carts. Function over appearance! Although I did buy a Harbor Fr dolly to make the tank holder for my TIG cart.

Getting the angle right so the tank seat didn’t drag the ground took a few minutes.


Can’t wait to see the final product. This is a mod I’ll definitely be doing…got a couple months before my machine arrives