Langmuir customer service

It’s good that you have this technology to help you with this affliction, but, if you proof read the resulting ‘text’, you will see that a lot of the words chosen don’t make sense in the context of your problem and have contributed to some of the confusion here. Proof reading posts is always advisable if you’re seeking help to make sure everyone understands what help you do need and seems to be that much more necessary with Voice To Text.

Unfortunately, there is no solution for this affliction…


Here, here simswork that’s how you de-escalate. Good work!
I love it when guys that have never had dyslexia. Tried to tell you how to do things.
I could read 1000 times doesn’t mean I’m gonna get it The words are mixed up in my brain.

So Mark, I gather that right now things are going well with your table and plasma cutter?

…And you were just chiming in on your experiences with “Langmuir customer service”

  1. One good
  2. Another, not so good

Yes everything is good with the table.

The A reason why I chimed in on the customer service end is you all where coming down on the Guy that was having problems getting stuff acting like it’s all good in the hood like there’s no problems.

The fact is there are some good people that work at Langner and is why I continue to do business with them, but they’re are Some people that are NOT very poor customer service and I can understand how he would have problems.
Like for instance, another time I was trying to get a price and a torch height controller. I called and kept leaving messages. Nobody would ever return my call. That was over an extended period of time. I hear things have gotten better in that area.
I’m not a fanboy. I’m just calling like I see it.
If that upsets you or anybody else, check yourself, not me take a realistic look.
When I first got my table, I had problems with the stepper motor the guy troubleshooting. It kept telling me I had a bent lead screw. I kept telling him I didn’t eventually listen to me, and one of the stepper motor was bad.

Just a friendly heads-up/reminder: while there are many knowledgeable and helpful folks here on our Forum, most of them are not officially associated with Langmuir Systems. You can determine whether an account is from Langmuir Systems by:

  1. a username that starts with “langmuir-”
  2. the LS logo profile photo
  3. “Group: moderator” in the profile (this one is impossible to spoof)

@mark.johnson310 we always appreciate feedback. I’m glad to hear you’ve had some positive experiences, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve had some negative experiences while working with our support team. Feel free to DM/email/call me, @langmuir-zack, and/or @langmuir-aksel if you ever need anything!


Well Mark that is valid. No one should diminish/challenge your perception of your experiences.

I worked in healthcare and called the backline of the surgery team about two years ago (I have since retired). Apparently, the person that answered the call, a medical assistant, felt I acquired the number by some illicit means and I should be chastised for it rather than listen to what I had to say. Basically, I wanted them to know that the surgical dressing had shifted so that the adhesive was right on the surgical line. My job was to remove that surgical dressing but it was not releasing and was likely going to add trauma to the incision that was just created 3 days earlier. I wanted to know if they wanted me to lightly scrub with saline or allow it to release on its own.

Her response “Do you think this is important enough that I should interrupt the surgeon in the operating room. Should they stop the surgery for your phone call because that is what this line is used for.” I sternly answered back “That is up to you. But perhaps you might suggest to the surgery team that they should take care to avoid the incision line with the adhesive in the future.”

I notified my office and they were not entirely pleased with my comment but they contacted the surgeon’s office. No one could figure out who was the medical assistant and since she ‘bravely’ failed to share my phone call to the surgeon, there was no record. I got a personal phone call from the surgeon the next day. We had a 15 year history of working together so we knew each other well.

I was very angry to have been treated that way.

I say all of that just so you know that we all have value and purpose. We also have 6 possible interactions whenever two people exchange information. This is true because for both yourself and the other individual there is:

  1. The person you think you are
  2. The person they think you are; and
  3. The person you really are.

At this point I have lost my train of thought of where I was going…not really. But I am surprised you are still reading.

I would just say everyone that has made comments on this topic are very well respected but may come across as a bit cold at times. I think @Simsworx said it nicely and you acknowledged that.

I like that Langmuir-reilly chimed in. I am not a fan boy but, I like what this forum stands for. And the one thing none of us what to see it become is shouting match. Nobody wins. It is a sharing of information and trying to help people solve problems. That is when everyone wins.


I tend to agree I’ve reached out in the past and got some excellent help specially from I think it’s the tin whistle.
There are some sharp people on here.
I would like to do more on here but it is hard with having to read everything I like the program when I’m at the pc text to speech problem is most of the time I’m on my phone, which doesn’t.

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It’s all ok. Let’s put this crap behind us, and all move on. We are always here to help. I can’t imagine being on the other end of the phone as a Langmuir tech. It’s not like calling the cable company to program your remote. Some of this stuff borders on MIT / SpaceX stuff.

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Everyone knows who you mean. His list of names keep growing:
Tin Man
The Records Keeper
Manual Man (edit)
but his profile name is TinWhisperer.

And now, Tin Whistle!


You forgot the best one…. Of coarse it originated from @TomWS

Manual Man!!


@TomWS has been quiet all night. He is probably reading his thesaurus with a scotch and soda.


I think you mean he is busy [writing] the thesaurus! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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BLASPHEMY! :scream:
There is only one way to drink scotch! Neat! :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass:



we all shall move on and continue to help each member…

just a note…I am dyslexic also…

some of the greatest peole have all had types of dyslexia…
Thomas Eddison
Einstien…believe it or not…


toolboy does not understand because it is not him who is waiting for the parts. Ii too was missing parts from my upgrade and it can get frustrating. I also had to send my plasma cutter in because it is not cutting right. the first inch does not pierce or penetrate. Langmuir says it is razorcut, razorcut says it is langmuir. what do I know? I just want my expensive toys to work!

I do not know what makes you think I do not know about waiting for parts?..
I too have had issues in the past…I waited for parts…

I was one of the very first people to be on the list for the Pro when it released…so I waited…
-Then when it came on water pan was deformed and not useable…sent Langmuir a picture…they sent a new half a pan…I waited…

  • Then I had a main board go bad on me…so guess what…I sent them all the information and testing they requested…and they sent me a new board…but I waited again…
  • then I blew out my on/off relay…I ordered a new one…guess what…I waited again…

Now add to that I live in Ottawa Canada, so deliveries take WAAAAYYY longer to get here…other side of the country and through customs…but I waited.

Langmuir was professional and as quick as possible when sorting out my issues…now remember this was 4 years agao when the table first came out and there were growing pains…and massive deliveries going out…so speed was as expected.

We have found that 90% of all issues are user related…do not take that as an insult…it happens…I know I was there…I was a newbie with zero experiance…I learned from this group…


alright toolboy you waited. some people are more patient than others but that still that don’t make it right. I expect results. Immediate results cuz they got my money immediately, they did not have to wait on me. I immediately sent my money. I had to wait also and am still waiting. Waiting for answers why my machine does not cut the first inch or pierce it. I’m sorry but that still does not make it right. If your a company and are sending out a product to be delivered, well then deliver it, all of it. Don’t make people wait. That is just not good service in my opinion. Don’t make excuses.

wow…your attitude stuns me.
I, and others have tried to help you, but you refuse to be respectful of our help or experiance.

I tried to help you understand there can be issues…but you only care about yourself…you only want it your way…and that is not how the worls works…it is not perfect…

I wish you luck in getting help…I am done with you and your attitude.


there is some fantastic znd helpful people on this forum and i have the utmost respect for everyone that gets on here to help one another and its sad to say i have tried everything that has been asked of me to try and get my cnc machine to function even remotely close to its standards i have spent countless hrs with that said i have decided to bite the bullet and move on to other options i purchased this to occupy me in transition to retirement thank you to everyone that has been helpful to me