Langmuir customer service

Extremely disappointed with Langmuir. I received my cross fire pro over 2 weeks ago with unfortunately missing multiple parts. After waiting for another week for Langmuir to correct that mistake I am still missing parts.
-tube spacer
-washer -(finally received today)
and computer stand.
Unfortunately not only Langmuir waited tell the end of the week to ship out the package to fix their mistake they sadly only added in the washers.
So i called their tech support where I was greeted by a lady who quickly put me on hold and ended the call. Sadly i tried over and over to reach their tech support with no answer after waiting on hold numerous times.
I have orders that need to be fulfill and sadly they will have to keep waiting until this problem is resolved. Which i hope they will resolve in a timely manner and not wait tell Friday to ship the package. With the lack of response and even being able to reach Tech support. I hope that writing here will get someone from Langmuir help me out to resolve this asap…

well I am sorry you feel this way,…
Langmuir is known for great customer service…
As for the dropped call…it can happen…we are all after all human…mistakes happen.
Did you ever even try to use the email tech support when you first found the pronblems?

did you know that a lot of companies actually do ship out mid week but that shipping companies are the ones that pick up late in the week then take thier time processing…

things will get sorted out…but why would you have orders waiting when you do not even have the table built??..or even tested…??..

let’s say the table was perfect and it still would not work right and only to find that you did something wrong?..would you come here and complain about the poor service you provided yourself?..

shipping delays happen…
dropped calls happen…
missing parts can happen…


Most companies when a mistake is made they will resolve it and most will over night or at least will do 2 day shipping to resolve the issue. Unfortunately Langmuir did not do that they created the label on Tuesday and the shipping company never received it tell Friday…

I called the tech support spoke to the women who told me to hold which I understand then ended the call. I fully understand calls drop but i spoke with the tech support than proceeded to call 4 more times just to sit on hold with zero response. i left 2 voicemails and got no call back or any sort of communication from them.

I have my full air system set up and waiting for the table to be built so dialing in the settings wont be a big issue fortunately. I have orders already because i received the table 20 days ago and seemly expected it to be set up by now and not still be waiting for them to send me parts to build step 2 on the assembly…

I understand shipping delays, and dropped calls but when you have a couple thousand dollars worth of boxes collecting dust when its a simple fix it makes it quite frustrating.

Got ahold of them finally. Huge thank you to Aksel over at Langmuir for getting the problem resolved and done professionally

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Sorry you are having trouble.

This hasn’t been my experience. I am sure they will get you taken care of.

Do you have everything else ready to go so you can get going with your orders when your table parts arrive? What are you using for CAD and CAM? What types of orders are you trying to fill? Artsy stuff or dimensional parts.

How is your air setup?

Yes, I have my full air and dryer set up ready for the table to fire up. I have been using fusion 360 for personal custom cabin signs up here in Idaho which thankfully theres a great market for. I have 12 orders waiting that are finished up in cad/cam just need the table to finish it off.

What part of Idaho?

Hey Willb, I am sorry to hear about this incidence and I assure you this is not the standard of quality and support we strive to deliver. We are currently in the process of training up three new technicians and today was a day we had more calls than people available to answer. Training up the new techs better deliver our goal of excellent customer support and communication. I am glad Aksel was able to get this taken care of. My direct line is 619-350-3625, I can be available anytime to help assist. I apologize for this situation and giving us the opportunity to improve.


I am way down in the Caribbean (Trinidad) and have had nothing but prompt, accurate and overall great service from Langmuir Systems. This case has to have slipped through the cracks somehow. I’m glad it’s being sorted …Langmuir rocks!


glad to hear…

I would have to say that some people at Langmuir are good at customer service.
I got some one who wouldn’t listen just read off a scripted after sending a video of what it was doing thy told me a BS reason.
I call in and got a some one that could think throw the problem and listen to me we came to a logical conclusion he was excellency A+ ended up having to get a new plasma cutter.
The first script reading jack wage. Needs a different job!

What was the issue with your plasma cutter?

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When I got the table I didn’t have the doe for a good plasma cutter but it ran fine for a long time then out of the blue it started freaking out motors were screaming all the way home switches and just grind away place and start cutting random shapes

It was High frequency interference from the cheep plasma cutter I got a Everlast 82i for a replacement.
The second guy, I talk to listen to the problem talk through the solutions and understood what was going on he didn’t immediately want me to disassemble the table and straighten the lead screws after it ran for a year no problem.
When I pushed back a bout about it he gave me some crap about “ we other move forward with Mutual respect or we don’t move forward at all”
What because I won’t follow an idiot off a cliff?
The send Guy I talked with just the same he listen let me challenged his assumptions, we talk to the problem and came to the solution that’s customer service!

You should take the time and use the spell check when posting it really makes is a lot easier to make sense of what your saying.


Thanks for the insight I will tell Siri next time she does voice to text spellcheck

Beyond that suggestion probably ignored!

we are all here to help…from tech support to the people here in the forum.
The end result is to get you sorted out…some people may not have all the experience and get to a solution a different way…while others have more experience and can get a solution quicker.

commenting that they are idiots or that they need to tell you to show some respect is not very polite or helpful to your own situation.

I do not see how you can call them that (idiots) when you seemed to miss a very important fact that High Frequency machines are not compatible with langmuir system…it is mentioned all over the place and Langmuir even provides a suggested lists of compatible units…

and when someone politely asks for you to post a little more clearly you sort of flipped them the bird…I can see why the support asked for mutual respect…

please show respect to the people that are trying to support you…


Mark thanks for the feed back , Its good to know where you stand! :rofl:


And you clearly need a lesson a customer service you must not be the one I spoke to on the phone!
Get your heart off your sleeve!
I was not aware it was a high frequency start and it was so long ago,when I got it didn’t even cross my mind since it worked.
But that’s where actual customer service people come in and help their customers so that they will spend more money with your company
But given Jack wagons like you that give The company in a bad name you can’t let something go. You have to respond to something like someone calling you an idiot.
Shoot, you’ll probably even respond to me calling you a jack wagon!
Instead of listening to the bigger picture of the actual conversation and learning how to do your job better And letting the rest go.

I am dyslexic so I am depending on things like voice to text and I don’t care!

Everybody breathe … @Knick has no affiliation out with Langmuir, just another user trying to help another out. He (we) have no interest in what they are doing. Just offering experience to those that seem to be having problems.

I personally have had no issue with Langmuir’s support team, in fact they’ve helped me out on occasion.

So please, put out ego’s aside and address the problems at hand. A solution typically can be found. Please allow for that to happen.

Otherwise, good luck and all the best in your future.


I’m not sure who you are responding to but the only person on this thread who represents Langmuir is Zach. Not sure there was anything you could consider offensive in his post. He seemed very considerate and apologetic.