I feel that putting the after cooler or what you would describe as an intercooler between the pump and the tank is not the best place.
There are several reasons I outlined in that other post back pressure being one, having to blow off the entire coil every cycle, and I think the main fact is that 60% of that moisture would have condensed in the tank anyhow so it’s doing part of a job that would have already be done whereas if you put it after the tank you’re doing a job that wouldn’t have been done. It seems to me you’re condensing a lot of moisture that would have been condensed in the tank anyhow.
If you ran both scenarios you would get more BTUs and more condensate out of the airstream by having the after cooler after the tank.
Having the radiator between the pump and the tank is a robbing Peter to pay Paul’s situation.
Tanks are designed to condense moisture in them.