Issues Cutting Stainless Plate

You definitely don’t want the drag standoff on the torch when using cnc table. Are you using thc when cutting? if so don’t, turn it off on thicker material.

We may have a light at the end of the tunnel; I was not aware that when using a CNC table you have to remove the metal spacer ring off the end of the torch (new guy). That was jacking up my actual cutting height and could be causing most of the issue.

I pulled the torch off the machine and was able to easily cut through the stainless plate manually with 1mm HAZ and no topside dross. Will update this afternoon once my laptop is off the dyno and back on the plasma.

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Yes, I’ve been using the THC for all my cuts. I did try to disable it to prevent it from walking away during the cut, but no difference. Mind you this was also in conjunction with the drag standoff, so hopefully, that fixes my issue today. Thanks for the tip about the THC, I’ll try that out depending on my results today.

I don’t have the thc on my pro, have had no issues. I think anything over 3/16 you don’t need thc , as long as material is flat.

  • THC off
  • 60A @ 220V
  • 70psi nitrogen pressure
  • 24ipm feed rate
  • Full water table
  • drag standoff now removed
  • Good ground
  • Cut height 0.04"
  • Pierce delay 1.5 sec

Terrible results again. Raising the pierce delay to 2.5 seconds now…

If you can cut it by hand then use the same settings you used for hand cutting on the table.


Any chance of videoing the cut? Might help for everyone to see what the plasma stream looks like.

Getting there! Great results today. Running 30% of my programmed feed rate and double my programmed pierce delay (now around 3 seconds)

All of my consumables were basically new, but I threw a new tip on there just in case.

Bottom looks like so:


These are the current settings:

Feed rate 10ipm
Pierce clearance 0.15in
Pierce delay 2.5sec

And voila:


That is a lot better a little more tweaking and you got it.

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How thick is this stainless steel? It’s hard to tell from the pictures.
I cut SS all the time. Mostly 11 ga 304.
I cut it with F5 gas, but nitrogen will work very similarly.
IPM 46
Pierce .7
Cut height .06
Pierce height. .12
40 -50 amps should be fine.
The excess slag is due to your slow travel speed.
Without F5 gas, the edges will always oxidize.
Now, I have no idea what plasma machine you are using.
So I’m just telling you what works for me.

I just cut this a couple of days ago. The only reason I sand the surface is I can’t get the poly film they put on it.
Sorry, I didn’t realize this thread was two years old.
Not sure how that popped up.

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Bigdaddy2166 is getting old.:weary:


That is strange… Before your reply it was at the top of my list as well. Without noticing the age of the thread, I read through the last couple of post as well. I would have replied to it if I knew anything about cutting stainless. I would say you are in good company… but lots of folks here might argue otherwise. :wink: :rofl:


I’m ready for the forums for mental health professionals.


You might benefit by taking a trip to the shooting range. :wink: :rofl:

This is part of my neighbor’s collection. The gun was never actually for sale. His house is like a museum. He has some cool 1700s era Navy deck guns too. You could spend a week looking over his collection and not look at the same firearm twice.


Mrs. Bigdaddy2166 declined the permission to purchase a Cannon.:sunglasses:


Dang… did you push the mental health angle?

@ChelanJim if you were wondering if it is possible to derail a 2-year-old thread… I think I just did it… You’re up. :wink: :rofl:


Responding to a two-year-old thread is grounds for the marshals to come to Chattanooga.


Y’all are goofy. :rofl: Thread got bumped by an AI/bot spammer yesterday. Removed the post and user immediately, but I think the thread still got pushed to “Latest”.


Purchase? Just takes some pipe and banding and a welder!

(or mixing together your own gunmetal and sand casting / lathing like projectfarm did)

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