Hi everyone, I’m hoping that the wealth of knowledge here can help me solve this issue.
Full disclosure… I am a newbie.
I’ve designed a sign for our own business in F360 which is quite detailed and a substantial portion of it was by using the spline tool. It started off as one issue but has since morphed into another.
This was the first issue encountered:
When the design is extruded and I’m in 2D profile and attempting to select contours, 90% of it worked with one section of the design showing up as a whole bunch of separate little lines. If its not extruded, that particular section works fine with a different section showing up as the little lines. It was always the same two sections giving me the grief.
I had no open loops as per “check sketch” and also ran it through “fill gaps” just in case.
I also tried selecting “sketch” in the left side menu when in contours and it DOES select everything but that also included the spline handles which I can’t get rid of without changing the shape.
That issue led to the latest which is a different section of the drawing not being able to be separated from the design. Again no open loops. Screen grabs of both of these issues are attached. HELP
You’re having the same problem that another forum member was having just a little while ago.
Read through this topic and if you have any other questions let me know with a @TinWhisperer .