So I would start out by using the red padlock tool to turn all these green lines to Blue.
Green is locked sketch lines
blue is unlocked sketch lines
Sometimes when you have a arc ellipse or semicircle cut very acutely infusion has a hard time recognizing those points coming together as closed.
There is a add-on for Fusion 360 called sketch-checker that can help with actual open gaps. But in this case I would try to knock those sharp corners off with the radius tool or even just with the line.
I’m sure not all of these points are causing the issue probably just one.
There’s a technique in Fusion called " divide and conquer" method to find gaps and errors like this. There are several good posts about it on the fusion 360 forum site and there’s a few good videos on YouTube about it.
The basic idea of the “divide and conquered” method. Is that you just take the line through tool run it through that space that’s not making a connection and then you can tell at least which side of the line the gap or error is on it’s just a way of narrowing down where your error is.
If you post that SVG you’re using that I could show you how I would accomplish it with your drawing.