Inkscape Question or Sheetcam?

I have this address sign im trying to do and learn all at the same time. I cant figure out how to make the numbers part of the sign. It wants to cut the square around the numbers causing them to just fall out. I downloaded the sign file off etsy and am just trying to add the numbers to the sign. Thanks for any help in this matter.

You are going to have to make those alterations in your CAD/Design software ( Like Inkscape) before moving into SheetCAM


You would have to union the #'s to the design in inkscape. Also, for a sign like that, you don’t have to use the stencil font since the #'s won’t fall out.


Is it an easy process in inkscape? Cant be hard i have to just be over thinking it.

Send me the Inkscape file and the font you want for the numbers and I’ll do a screen recording of joining the numbers to the background.


just select the backround and the numbers holding the shift key go to path and select union


Like @nicaDd is saying, the numbers need to fuse with part of the sign and it that case, it opens up the possibility of using any font you want and not needing to use a stencil to support the inner structures of numbers such as 0, 4, 6, 8 and 9.


I am not all that familiar with Inkscape but:

Reducing everything to one color and creating your vector drawing can be done by creating the “Path to bitmap:”

Once that menu opens, you will adjust the “brightness cutoff” until you captured everything you want:

After that, you save as SVG. I think you have that part already.

its hard for me to describe but I’ll take a snip of letters in Fusion and import them into inscape and do the trace bitmap. Once i get them in inscape how Jim talked about above you can make the letters taller and wider but dragging them. I do this mainly to thicken my letters for cutting or filling space needed.

Why would you need to bring letters in from Fusion? You can use any font on your computer in Inkscape.

You also don’t need to use the trace bitmap feature. You can simply select the text and convert it to a path.

Trace bitmap is for tracing images that have been converted to bitmaps.

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Just the way i found to be easy for me. I knew writing this someone was going to explain there is smarter/different way i should be doing it. Like so many things in this hobby…lots of way to get to same result. Maybe I’ll make video on how and why i do it the way i do because its quick and easy for me.

I would be interested in video of how you do it.

I hate to see people taking steps that aren’t necessary. This stuff is complicated enough without doing extra work.

I’ll make a video when I get home.

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Thanks. I do it my way so I can stretch and manipulate the letters to be thicker and fit in my designs but really curious to see if your way might be easier and better. I know Inkscape has some really cool features. I just don’t know how to use them.

Here is the video. Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

I added numbers to an existing SVG file and post processed with Sheetcam into a cut file. The part with removing the fill and turning on the stroke was not necessary. I just did it to show that the letters were joined to the design.


Thanks a bunch for the video!!!

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I tried using Loom on this video. I stretch the letters or numbers using inkscape and then insert in my fusion design. We get the same result just different ways to get an address made.

Let me know if the link works below…


I’m not a Fusion user, so I guess it’s not easy to resize text directly in Fusion?

Very Easy. I try my best to do everything within the Fusion Eco System.

Only a few rare artsy things and some garbage files cause me to stray from F360.

The last 2 update has also made fusion run way less heavy in the design environment.


Refined Workflow is a beautiful thing for any program.

But “getting it done” Is definitely a normal starting point for most people.

—insert the many ways to skin a cat quote here.—

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Maybe I’ll be a live stream of how to do it all in Fusion 360 CAD & CAM.

And we’ll do text swapping in Fusion’s history timeline so you can quickly produce new signs with different addresses.