This error is not the same error as is what is caused by insufficient slack in the torch cable. This issue is caused by a disconect in the IHS wiring somewhere. Are you confident that you have the blade terminals securely plugged in?
The IHS indicator turns green when there is a broken circuit between the two IHS leads. In normal operation this should only happen when the torch is down on the material and disconnects from the brass piece on the lead nut. In your system there is something else that is breaking that connection all the time. The normal state of the indicator light is off.
This could be something inside the electronics (try shorting together the pins of the IHS input port) or in the cable connectors (try shorting the blade terminals together), or its in the Z-Axis assembly itself (try and look and see if there is any obstruction preventing contact when the torch is lifted off the material).
Problem solved:partying_face:
I drove the ihs unit up and down several times with the jog function and after that it was just as if it came to life. Now it seems to be working properly:smiley:
There is not a No Z -axis post. For Fusion, you have to toggle off the IHS and THC options somewhere in your manufacturing setup. Since I’m not a Fusion user, I can’t help with where to find those settings to toggle them off.
I have a z axis and my green light is lite all the time and i get the same error that the IHS fail! How can i check this all and make it work right? Or any links to help me figure jt out would be awesome!
Can some one post a up close pic of the back of the z axis and where that spring is to be at ? Mine fell out trying to check it there was contact between the brass plate and no i dont know where that spring goes and if there was any other parts on that spring! Because if the spring it touching that metal riser on the z axis wouldnt that be contact and make a connection so the ihs would fail anyway? What keeps the brass plate from touching the piece that makes it go uo and down and not touch metal to make the ihs fail?