I think I need to start over with this CAM, but cannot

Hi guys, seems that I have managed to make duplicate tool paths on my part and can’t seem to undo it to start again. ( very worried about losing this drawing that I have a few days into. ) Looks to me that I have 2 directions of cut on some of my bend lines Which will not create a tool path and need to just get back to a fresh start from the DXF. I DON’T KNOW HOW.Here is a screen shot, hope you can help…

Just right click on your profile and find delete. Start over. It says now that you have 8 profile and 4 setups plus you are working on a recovered version.
There is no telling what Fusion is trying to do. I would start from scratch with the Manufacturing tab


Do you mean to re-draw the entire thing ? I have right clicked and deleted on every thing that I know but am just lost on this one.

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Starting from scratch on the manufacturing tab is my goal but can’t seem to get there

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No, don’t redraw it.
I would try to delete all four setups and the eight profiles. Right click and pick delete.
And start from scratch.
After the page setup.
Pick the bend lines only, ensure the cut is on CENTER, and remove the lead in and lead out.
They start a new profile for the rest of the sign.
Ensure that that profile has the lead in and out chosen.
Good luck.
Sometimes, with recovery documents, there is corruption that is not fixable.


Thanks Man. I have cut many parts with bend only lines only and I got that , the problem here is that somehow I got the cut path going 2 ways at once on some of those bend lines and will not give me a G code because of that. I can not seem to get back to a clean DXF to start from scratch, MAKING ME NUTS…

I’m not near a computer right now, but if you post the file F3D here, some of our rocket scientists can get it to work if possible.
Just go to the top left and pick the files
Pick F3D for the format.
Post that here.
If not, I will look at it in the morning.

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That is the path that works the best.

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Good morning, I am awake again but when I click on file I see no F3D option.

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Thanks to everyone but I got it to create a cut path finally for the bend lines. I noticed that my entire sketch had black lines all except the 2 rows of bend lines so I constrained them parallel and seemed to do it. pretty proud of myself to figure that out for being such a dumb @ss at this stuff…


I struggle with fusion every time I use it. Just don’t use it enough to remember it and then there are those updates :roll_eyes:


Don’t feel alone. That is why I like trying to problem solve others drawings/issues: it keeps my mind refreshed and updated.

Some months there may be up to three updates… Or, perhaps my updates are not successful.

Now that would be an interesting username


I struggle with the basic computer stuff and Fusion is just the cherry on top. Files, folders, dxf, jpeg, svg, don’t know a gigabyte from a mosquito bite. It really is not my thing, I try to keep it simple to create the things I want and have made some very cool things but some I don’t even know how I did it and most have taken MUCH longer than they should have. I can barely log in to this forum with so many passwords and crap. Thanks for all of the support here, It really does mean alot.


Trust me your not alone!