I did not heed the advice of others that know better - 100a bad

Yeah, Evidently my plasma was working better than usual on the 100 amp setting, combined with I should not have cleaned my pan.

4 pin holes (I am sure they are actual cuts that welded back together or slag sealed from the top).

It did however make some very nice cuts on the 3/8 plate. All lifted right out, and minimal slag, more like a burr, some with nothing.

I think it was the 28 ipm on the tight corners and holes that got me.

Been using it for a couple months now and evidently got lucky.

Oh well. just makes the upcoming mod a little more urgent, like ASAP.


Ope… lol… but hell yeah bud… she’s eatin’!

I’m diggin the drains… I’ll be doing that… and I’ll be watching the pan when I’m eating 3/8" this week hahahhahaa (though I’m not sure the Neverlast 82i will be capable of such awesomeness)

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Another member here warned me about his 82i blowing a hole in his pan when I was making inquiries.

Keep the water full, like 1/2 from the top, keep a mop handy for the splash, put a sacrificial plate of 16ga in the bottom, or lots and lots of slag - don’t clean your pan.

I wonder if a layer of Lava rock would do the trick…Hmmmm. Would have to literally wash it periodically. Like tumble wash.

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Yes, @TableSyrup the neverlast 82i can blow a hole in your pan. @Sticks, Heed his warning.

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It’s almost like there should be a minimum water column spec in the pan for a given current output.

As the “Wizard” (Tin) said “Everything is a variable with plasma cutting.”

(Note: I am trying to get that new moniker to stick! I am pretty sure he is not a bot!)


Height from pan to troch appears to be the winner. 1" lift on my slats got me in the safe zone.


You could also do ceramic tile in the bottom of your pan.

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I was pondering lava rock.

Another solution is in the works. Updated thread to come

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I did the same thing. Now I just leave the debris in the pan. When I gets too deep I pick out the bigger pieces and leave the slag.


For that matter, I suppose you could add sand in the bottom of the pan.

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Given the amount of water and mess that gets splashed around I’m not sure I’d want to add sand to the mix…


Yea, a thick heatsink would be a better option, or more water.

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Just keep the table full of water. I can cut 3/4 all day without any issues. I do put a 30 x 46 11 ga plate on the bottom that has a hole in it for the drain. Just a precaution not to ruin my $ 600 SS pan
And a note that on occasion, I have tattooed that plate several times.
Obviously, the slow travel speed for the extra-thick stuff is the issue.
Leaving the pan full of trash is something I can’t get my brain to accept. Hell, I clean my pan every day before I go home. Get a large shop vac, drain the water in all your different designed holding tanks, and vacuum up till clean. 10 minutes max.
That is a personal choice.