How much is too much on Base Plate Clean up?

Setting up to flatten the base plate. Have 2 corners that are .064 & .0755 high. This okay for single first pass with the 1/2" base plate program? I know industrial machine can plow this but can the MR1 make .076 depth of cut passes? Don’t want to bog down the motors. Input would be appreciated.

It shouldn’t be a problem. If there’s any doubt you can start off the program with the feed rate reduced to 60 or 70% and if it doesnt seem like its bogging ramp the feed rate back up to 100%
Depending on the tool length you may get a little chatter on the plate, but you can do a .005" or .010" pass to clean it up later.
Your first pass will also tell you about your setup during assembly. A few of us have had some nod/tram errors when using the recommended shims during assembly. If your cut is leaving a slight step in the Y axis direction you probably have some nod error, and there will be a “dishing” or scallop in the middle of each pass if you have tram error.
It’s not a big deal while you’re working the plate down to clean up, but you’ll want to have it dialed it pretty decent for your finish pass.

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Understand… appreciate the feed back!

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