Having an issue with chaining when trying to generate the cutting path

Hello All!

I ran into an issue when trying to create the cut path for a couple parts, specifically when selecting the contours for the plasma to cut. Fusion will not let me select the perimeter contour, instead I have to select every line. A workaround is to select to entire component and then select the gear and select outside loop since I don’t want the path to include the circles inside.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a pic of what I am facing

Welcome to The Forum.

Consider extruding the part.

Then you’ll be able to do a face select.

In that way it’ll chain select all the outer in inner contours and won’t leave you with many line segments to select which would cause a lot of stop and starts along your cut.

If you post your f3d I could run it through Fusion while live streaming on Twitch and show you exactly what I’m talking about.


Dang it! Thank you. Worked like a charm

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