Have the planes in F 360 changed?

This demonstration may be more of a review but it goes into more detail of how you could use the body or the sketch during the tool path contour selection.

I am not sure it has changed since June but there are times that if you don’t tell Fusion 360 that you are using the body in the very first tab of the tool path and/or the “model” in the setup, it seems to balk on the selection of the “face contour.” I think it relates to all the different options now available for contour selection, it needs you to be more precise.

If you haven’t done it, the individual contour selection of the body works really slick. Especially when you are picking single line (text and bend lines) which you intend to cut with centerline compensation. As you move across the body, the contours highlight by turning black. Left click and it is selected. @Simsworx showed me that one!