Something is happening with the scaling when I open files in fire control I drew a simpl 3.5” Circle and when I opens in fire control it opens as a 108” file the circle is like 75” and there is a 30” lead in cut I have no idea what is going on at this point
Post your Fusion file here for us to open it and see if anything is out of the ordinary.
If you are using meters (by accident) in Fusion, a 3.5 2.5 meter circle would translate to 88.9 98 inches. Could that be what is happening?
Like KwikFab said, the quickest way for us to see and help would be if you shared your f3d file.
Edit: My math is wrong. 3 meters would be 118 inches.
3.5" * 25.4 = 88.9".
Suspiciously close to a wrong unit selection while importing.
Tin, we are doing something wrong:
Oh, I see. You/we were converting inches to mm.
Mayhap I should undelete that post.
First thing I thought of, but none of the conversions…standard conversions translate to the 3.5 / 75 and stupid long leadin.
None of my pictures on my phone are small enough or clear enough to post here and the only video I have is too long I’ll send pics vids and the fusion file Monday morning
But also I’m definitely in imperial inches on both programs and the actual sizes are 3.5” for the circle but the file opens at 108.62” wide including the lead in and 58.50 tall (diameter of the circle)
Well you can keep yakking about it or you could post either your Fusion file (.f3d) or the output file that you are sending to FireControl. Without data it’s ‘ether’ (AKA Hot Air).
No one’s asking for videos.
Just upload the file.
Plus phone pictures do no one any good if you’re trying to display a screen or anything - screenshots are the way to go.
I will when I go to work on Monday
You might find it useful (for whatever reason, maybe just convenience) to add a bookmark to your cloud.
You don’t have to be on the same computer you draw stuff with on Fusion. You can access the cloud files if you simply log in with any other computer with internet access.
I figured it out herewith was off by 3 decimal points
Wouldn’t a decimal error add or subtract a zero from the end of the number.
In the case of 3 decimal points either a 1000x more or a 1000x less of the original number?
Once again: In the future, if you are having issues with a CAD or CAM problem, sharing the files helps us know where you are and how to help much more efficiently.
Glad you got it figured out and thanks for reporting back. We very much appreciate that.
The only problem I found was the kerf width was set to 55” and not .055 once I changed that it fixed everything so the scale of the part was t 1000x out the kerf width was
@Scarltonwade Glad you solved it and Welcome to the Forum.
It has been mention above but when troubleshooting for Fusion, Exporting and Posting a F3D is by far the best way to provide information. You would not have been able to post one earlier because you were a new member but now you have posted enough you should be able to post a file .