Fusion new update this morning

Yesterday, Fusion had an update that must have been problematic. Last night, working from home, the Fusion screen said they had some wires crossed. The page worked but had limited access. Well, this morning, they must have found the problem with another update. We shall see. so far this morning, it stopped responding twice to me. :confounded:


Must be a lot of people trying to update right now…going slow as molasses.
Just checked my internet download speed: 126 Mbps
Ten minutes of downloading the update: 12%


@ChelanJim @holla2040

How’d the update turn out?

It seems to work. But… When you open it up and try to go to your files saved, it gives you an error—not responding. It corrects itself within seconds, and you’re good to go. I put in a report to Fusion. We will see how things work out.

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It finished downloading and was ready to restart. I tried for another 40 minutes to get it to load. I had to leave for “work” at 7 am. I will try tonight when I get home.

And before BigDaddy asks, “No. I didn’t break anything and didn’t make anyone cry… That didn’t want to cry”


I appreciate the exceptional service available in Chattanooga. The shop is equipped with Gig service at a reasonable cost of $69. Speed tests consistently demonstrate impressive speeds ranging from 950 Mbps to 1 gig. This morning, it only took about two minutes to get everything up and running at 5 am.

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That would have been 2 am my time! I should have got up then?..nah. I have my laptop with fusion on it.

As far as speed, I had been living with 3 Mbps up until 6 months ago.


The TinMan must not sleep. We text all morning. He lives in your time zone, doesn’t he?


Yes he does. Bots don’t need much rest.


I never considered that before. It’s pretty intriguing. It’s a paradox.

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You said he took some extra credentialing with his profession. I am now wondering if that was upgrading his CPU and swap out his li-ion batteries for the new hydrogen - Fusion batteries?!

Get it? Fusion? Makes one wonder.

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Went fine for me.

He does not sleep. He lives 50 yds from a Trigabit network connection. If he wants something, he gets it. He will not be slowed or diverted from his mission… BWA Ha Ha Ha!

I’ll also add, I am the complete opposite. I live 50 miles from a 50 baud line. I will wait until you guys get this thing settled. I’ll live with Fusion 0.360 in the meantime… snicker…


That is funny!

That is what I felt I had with the 0.4 mbps upload speed. Sometimes I would use my cell phone as a hotspot just to complete the file saving.

Bret, It appears to be working fine but still was completing the update during 30 minutes of me using it right now. I don’t know how long it actually took to start as it updated things. I did other things and came back an things looked fine. I started working with a file and it gave the black screen of Fusion tantrum and then gave a message “You are now properly updated. Enjoy!” (Yes, of course I paraphrased).

So, I think it worked.

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Bambu Labs pushed a new Studio version yesterday, now that was seriously messed up.


Thanks. I have download speed at 371Mbps this morning (Spectrum fiber) . I may give the update a try.

Agreed. It took me more than 45 minutes to get the printer to accept a job after that update. Restarted printer twice and computer twice. I was beginning to think they were trying to get me to remove all my security on the computer to allow it to happen. I did change the Firewall protection to say it was only required on public WiFi’s. Not sure if that is what finally allowed the handshake or not.

I have been trying since last night to complete the update (downloading update) for my laptop. Left it on all last night and it can’t seem to get past 94%. But at least it is not the situation where I couldn’t start Fusion. I can still use Fusion…just not getting past that step of updating. Perhaps the home/hobby versions are given secondary download sites or decreased bandwidth privileges.

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More likely they’re losing bandwidth to everyone thrashing on trying to update. Hence my decision not to go near Fusion until this is all settled.

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I think they’ll let you go 14 days without updating.

Are we making bets on how many updates they’ll have in the next 14 days? :rofl: