Fusion 360 changes or updates

I just logged on to Fusion for the first time in a week. It looked good till I went to manufacture. Everything looks different. I have a crossfire pro with a Razorweld 45. It has been working with no problems for over a year and a half. Anyone else having problems?

No problems here. Whats the issue?

It looks like a new process to manufacture. I don’t have my tool library, I can’t select the contours. The only
thing I still see that looks familiar is post.

When was the last time you used it?

Not sure what was up but everything is back like it should be.

mine works as i expect it to until i tell it to generate a tool path. it takes hours to complete something that ordinarily takes 5 to 10 seconds.

I have been getting that message for a week now. Last week I clicked no and got everything cut. Now when I gererate a g code and try to cut it the torch pierces and raises up. If I try and cut something from last week it cuts it fine. I have tried this both clicking yes and no without any change. Also tried using version 20.6 and 21.1.5 again with same result. Anyone having this issue? Seems to not be a THC problem since it will cut a g-code made last week.

Is this the same problem you solved in the other thread on new F360 issues?