Fusion 360 trying to change FireControl 1.6 post

I’ll check it when I get back to the computer. My curiosity is peaked. I did several Google searches with the context you gave above and could not find a similar topic.

All three of my machines are doing the same thing.

Mine started doing the same thing after the update. But I haven’t actually tried running a program on the crossfire to see if it made any difference detrimental or not.

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It has worked so far.

Same here, I have had it pop up quite a few times and always select yes. Have not seen any problems.

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Hey Everyone,

It seems like this popup is simply due to a change with Fusion360’s machine library feature. Little issues like this is why we don’t personally use the machine library feature; instead, we import the desired post-processor directly while in the post-processing menu (this is why we could not recreate the issue in-house until we tried using @Bigdaddy2166’s .f3d). Converting the machine from legacy format to new format seems to just change something in the machine library of Fusion360 - it does not affect the actual post-processor at all.

That all being said, this is mostly speculation. We are not Autodesk and do not know if or how the machine library has changed after Thursday’s update. For more info, we recommend reaching out to Autodesk directly.

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I have been getting that message for a week now. Last week I clicked no and got everything cut. Now when I generate a g code and try to cut it the torch pierces and raises up. If I try and cut something from last week it cuts it fine. I have tried this both clicking yes and no without any change. Also tried using version 20.6 and 21.1.5 again with same result. Anyone having this issue? Seems to not be a THC problem since it will cut a g-code made last week.

Fusion so called improvement. Just click ok and you are good to go. Contacted Autodesk today and they told me how to turn off the flag, but it didn’t work.

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It doesn’t matter if I click yes or no, still cannot make a cut. All it does is pierce then raise up until I loose the arc. This is only happening when I try and cut designs that were generated today. I can go back and cut designs from last week with no problems at all.

Email Langmuir see if they can answer the problem.
Mine is working fine right now.

I have, now waiting to hear back from them. Was hoping someone on here had the same issue and found a fix. Not saying I want anyone to be having problems LOL

I get it. Maybe TinWhisperer can help.
Fusion or Sheetcam? Post processor?

Can you post an old G-Code file that works and a new one that does not? Just curious to see what is happening in the code to cause the issue.

Fusion 360

Post the g code and let these guys look it over.

I will but not sure how to do it honestly. Never had to do it before

I use Notepad++ you can download it for free and open any gcode file
Go to open file. Open your plasma folder and click on the file you want.

To attach your G-code file, in the reply window click the upload button (see screenshot) and select the .nc file you are loading into FireControl.

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I figured it out. I made a mistake when changing cut height, entered it as .6 instead of .06. Just didn’t catch it. Live and learn I guess. Thanks everyone for taking the time to offer their help.


Great to hear. Happy cutting!!!