Received Titan on 12/12/24, Box’s with back Guage hardware were full of screws out small zip lock bags that were labeled but obviously never sealed. Adds hours to assembly trying to sort this mess and identify proper screws. Control box, hyd. cabinet. had one screw holding it on. Bottom of crate had a few screws and some broken magnets that had fell off. Paint on Machine appears to have been “touched up” with a paint brush. And to top it all off I cant get it Home and one of Back Guage motors appears to be bad, I have called and emailed customer service and I get no response.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll talk to the team about that - those bags definitely should have been sealed, and those bolts should have had locktight on them. I was out of the office last Wednesday through Friday for the PRI conference so we didn’t have the full support. Whatever you need now I can set you up. Let me know if you have any missing bolts and I can send them to you - just message me with the list of items at
For the backgauge, here is a guide to work you through whatever problems you are having.
Backgauge Troubleshooting.pdf (1.0 MB)
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