Free version of Fusion

I had a subsription to fusion but did not renew as the main faeture I was looking for did not come with it. and for what little I use it could not justify the cost. Now that I am back on the free version I see I have lost a lot of features that used to be included. Anyone care to take this F3d and export it to a DXF? I can no longer do that.
Bronze Door Trims v2.f3d (92.9 KB)

I don’t have the paid version… but you can export a sketch to a dxf with the free version.

Bronze Door Trim.dxf (11.1 KB)



I cant anymore, lost alot of features!
Thank you Sir

Ok I made a mistake in that one could you do it again? :rofl:
Go ahead Tom I’m ready, fun away!!!
Bronze Door Trims v3.f3d (108.8 KB)
Promise last time

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Here you go.

Bronze Door Trim.dxf (10.9 KB)


Thanks Eric

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I don’t make fun of lost data. That borders on tragic… You have my sympathies.

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No its not lost data, I just did not renew my paid subscription. and when I went back to the hobbyist version I lost a lot of stuff that used be there.
I thought you would make fun of me for being cheap. :rofl:

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Well, you are cheap, but worth every penny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: