First Cut on the Crossfire Pro

Hey all,
I’m new to the forum and new to CNC cutting but spent most of my life, so far, fabricating and whatnot. I got my new Crossfire Pro set up this weekend and appreciated all the topics I found here. Lots of folks are willing to help and I found lots of topics that covered the gamut of things you might run into setting up your machines.

Having said all that… I made my first cut last night and was pretty happy. I just ran a straight-cut program on some .250 mild steel.

Also heard nothing but people complain about the water pans leaking. They don’t leak when you weld them.

looking forward to cutting some actual parts this weekend.

Thank you to all who have posted issues and those who helped solve them, this seems like a pretty decent community.


Better fill up that table or you will be sorry.
Just wanted to let you know :relieved:


I plan to, I didn’t want to fill it just to watch it leak since several folks said their pre-welded corners leaked so I added enough water to test. Thanks though!

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Wow, nice first cut!

Nice job on the welding too! I did mine too (after sealer leaked) but it wasn’t near as pretty. I’m strictly amateur hour with my TIG welder. Even my fusion welding is still a bit rough. Just haven’t put in the time to get good.

That darn MIG welding is just so easy and universally applicable.