First cut and cut 45 works now

Tested sheetcam today. I am liking it so far. I like using the option to start at hole center below a certain diameter. Having spent some time now on fusion and Sheetcam my first impressions of both (for CAM) is that you can make both do a job but sheetcam seems simpler and faster.

I boosted from 37 to maximum 45 today on cut 45. Same speeds as previous tests on 1/8 aluminum. I did add an extra smaller hole .12. Getting heavy dross that does not knock off without a good big of work on a sander so I’ll need a method to deal with that. Also I have not tested lower amps to see if that improves dross.

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If you upped the amps, then you need to increase cut speed as well. Why you have more dross now that you increased your amps to 45 but didn’t increase cut speed. I cut everything at 45 amps, just adjust cut speed according to what material and thickness I am cutting. Little to no dross for past five years between my XR and pro table.

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In 1/8 aluminum holes what would be your speed at 45? In smaller holes there is not enough distance to accelerate to faster speeds so with smaller holes there is a maximum speed it can cut no matter how fast it is set. Acceleration takes time and distance to reach full speed.

This chart shows turning Amps down a lot at faster speeds for thin aluminum.

I am curious if any with Hypertherm 45 sync with fine tips can say if these holes would be improved.

Turned down the Amps for a few tests. Much less hard dross. At 30 and 27.5 A I can kick off most dross now, at 45 you can’t just knock it off. These are less than 1 minute in a belt sander and orbital with 320.

With no drilling I can tap a 6-32 into .11 hole.