Its been 2 years so about time to bump this topic.
What is happening with FireShare?
Is there plans to Upgrade FireShare from its Original purpose 6 years ago of being
“The 2d File Sharing Platform”
Improving FireShare to include the rest of the Langmuir community would be a great thing. MR-1 and Titan users being able to share Models and bend profiles.
I ve been using MakerWorld a lot lately and its fast becoming the industry standard for sharing these 3D CAM CAD models. Look at these up loadable 3d file types.
Just discovered that even though you can create a STEP mesh file in Fusion, you cannot insert it into a Fusion drawing/design. Fusion will allow you to open it up as a Fusion design, however.
You can’t use the insert mesh tool because… a STEP file is NOT a mesh file it is a complete 3D file that include far more information then a mesh file. Besides Geometric data It also includes all the design data and file structure. This is why you have to import it into Fusion.