Hey guys. Really need some help. Using a crossfire XR with a cut60 and running into a problem where we keep having what seems like a noise issue. Sometimes at the start or end of a cut fire control says it’s lost connection to the table, and the arc just stays lit but doesn’t move.
The work lead is connected to the material, it’s not looped, it’s not crossing over any wires, and it’s barely touching the table. It is about a foot away from the pc (we are using a standalone but this problem persists with the original pc, and with the pc on the other side.
The cut60 is under the table, currently the control module is detached from the table, in an attempt to get it away from the frame of the table.
The cut60 is powered from a 220v extension cord, which is fairly long.
Yesterday and earlier today we had no problems (although this problem has been reoccurring) until we put a brand new sheet of 10ga on. Now we’re struggling.
Things we’ve tried over the past couple weeks,
Using original pc with original USB cable.
Using a different cable with 2 chokes attached.
Moving pc from the left side of the table to the right side to keep the USB from crossing Any Wires (previously it ran along the rail passing all CNC communications, and the main plasma wire.)
The problem is very intermittent, sometimes its so bad any piece with more than a handful of pierces it is guaranteed to fail. Sometimes It works fine. Im trying to understand what the problem is. 2 Weeks ago we contacted the langmuir support (Plan on doing this in the AM again) and they were adamant it is a problem either with the cable or the control module seeing noise.
We bought the table already assembled, barely used. It appears as though it is assembled with divided voltage, as the voltage inputs are indeed coming from the CPC port on the back of the cut60.
Right now I am also having an issue with my thc resting voltage. I made some changes, and the cut failed over open water, and the torch got completely soaked, and now my resting voltage is at between 5-8 volts, and the thc health test does not show live voltage detected.
In the past, when we started using the machine a couple months ago I had this issue where whenever the torch got soaked, the thc stopped working right until the torch seemingly dried off.
I would like to note that the problems we were facing yesterday we did NOT notice any live voltage issues, and resting voltage was always at 0.
Back to what you were saying, are you suggesting I should rewire the thc for raw voltage, as the cpc port on the cut60 is occasionally known to cause issues? I also had someone on my Facebook post suggest this. As I didn’t assemble it, would you mind giving me a quick explanation on what this is going to change, and how it might solve the problem? I will look into the materials I received with the table and see if I have the connections for the raw voltage input into the VIM box.
I am also currently working through the thc troubleshoot flow shart.
While you’re waiting for that board, seriously consider connecting the Cut60 to raw voltage. The Cut60 has a history of CNC port voltage issues. The cutter will perform excellently on raw voltage. This is your decision.
So for this issue specifically I don’t believe its that, only reason I say that is because with THC off, it still happens with no seeming affect. But the fact that several people have told me to do that still makes me consider if its something that should be done for future-proofing. I was able to locate the connection needed to wire it for raw voltage.
What other issues have you seen the cut60 cause when wired in divided?