Firecontrol and Fusion 360

Post your *.f3d file so I can look deeper

example g (860 Bytes)

does this example file load?

Im trying, but i dont know how to do that either.

1001 Eagle (92.8 KB)

Sorry im working offline and away from the table. unable to test your file yet.

here is how to export .

a lot to learn off the bat

I do not understand all that. I downloaded the file from fireshare as recommended by Langmuir in the initial how to flow chart on their website. I followed the instructions. I can not understand why i cant get it. I have a wood cnc and the software is not this difficult.

Eagle 1 v2.f3d (1.1 MB)

try this NC file

Eagle (90.5 KB)

I’ll try to load it on my machine too.

Eagle 1 v2 v1.f3d (2.7 MB)

Thanks I will

I made this one from the DXF so all my default settings instead .

eagle DXF.dxf (146.4 KB)
Eagle try 2 v0.f3d (2.5 MB)

Also try this file
eagle try (91.1 KB)

My IHS is not greyed out

If torch lead doesn’t have slack to move up and down freely it will do that. I have had it happen

i have slack

Both work here

Figured out the IHS issue, but now I get this:

Is wire at the back of a motor plugged in good

when its green the means the ihs switch is in the closed position

Greyed out means the switch is in the open position

When the torch moves down and the hits the metal it closes this switch

I H S Inital Height Sense

Pierce delay needs to be longer?