Anyone else have this issue? Sometimes I have to try to open it 4 or 5 times. Today it won’t open at all. Uninstall and reinstall with latest update. Running win10.
Quite frustrating.
Anyone else have this issue? Sometimes I have to try to open it 4 or 5 times. Today it won’t open at all. Uninstall and reinstall with latest update. Running win10.
Quite frustrating.
I noticed my desktop shortcut to it wont work most of the time. all 20 i have made, But if I right click then open it works. But sounds like yours is just a wont open period thing?
Yeah. I’ve tried right click, run from command line. Everything. I just used it yesterday, as far as I know nothing has changed.
Just installed on my other laptop with the same result.
Right click, open as administrator?
Yes. I’ve changed permissions. Run as admin. Literally everything
Solved. Went into c:/users/me/.firecontrol and deleted that folder. Apparently there is some info cached there?
I’ll throw in a little more info about this folder. Located in your user home folder on both Windows and MacOS.
On Windows: C:/Users/[YOUR USER]/.FireControl
On MacOS: /Users/[YOUR USER]/.FireControl
This folder stores information about the current XY location of the machine, in/mm settings, and a few other settings saved between FireControl sessions.
It is possible some information within it gets corrupted for any number of reasons but I don’t think this is a super common issue. If the folder does not exist when FireControl boots up, it is created with the default values which is why deleting the folder an restarting FC will solve it.
Would opening fire control while not plugged into the table cause this?
Doesn’t seem to in our testing but if you can reproduce it we’ll definitely work on a fix.
I have tried this solution without success… Still attempting to get Firecontrol to start.
Has it opened in the past? What operating system?
It hasn’t opened on this laptop yet. Dell Insperon intel i5, 8th Gen, windows 10
It will start on my wife’s Dell laptop, also windows 10.
Sometimes I have to click it multiple times before it will open.
I cannot get fire control to open all the sudden. Been working fine for two weeks and now will not open. I have seen in the forum to delete c user file but do not know how to find it. I have tried to reinstall also without success. Anyone willing to help me out on this one? Thanks
Go to you main computer drive, go into your users folder, go to your username file and delete the fire control folder.
I just did this fix and it worked for me, as I was not able to open fire control anymore despite uninstalling and reinstalling.
From previous post.