Fire Control for Linux (please!)

I have the same wish! A Linux port of Fire Control. I can get most of my design software as Linux, and even SheetCam has a Linux version for me to use. My only real hold up to getting a Linux computer to run my Crossfire Pro is lack of Fire Control to communicate with it. Have to carry my windows laptop back and forth instead.

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Maybe a virtual machine running windows 10? Still have access to all of your regular design software under your native OS and when it’s time to run fire control, boot the virtual machine.<<I have no experience with it for this application but I have setup one for running Kali Linux. Just a thought.

Just trying to avoid having Windows on the computer at all. It is an older computer but runs linux well. A virtual machine in the background would really tax its resources. That kind of computer just dedicated to the Crossfire Pro and primarily running Fire control would be much simpler.


Honest question:
Is the Linux port just a myth really? If Langmuir has no plans to ever do this like they said three years ago, then that’s their decision and that’s fine. But at this point, I assume they have zero plans to ever do this because they have shifted focus to new endeavors. I think it’s obvious at this point.

I have started shifting my own needs based on Langmuir’s actions rather than words. But just in an effort to be straight-up, I think Langmuir should probably step up to the plate and either 1) admit that the Linux port was just a pipe dream that’s dead now, i.e. a mistake to ever mention it, or 2) put in the effort and release the port. I really do think that would be honest customer service. It’s generally not considered helpful to reputation for a business to dangle a carrot that’s always been a mirage.

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I actually use Ubuntu Linux on my shop laptop computer. I wanted something just plain dumb reliable and consistent out there… Without an official port, I have to bring my in home laptop which has a lot of personal stuff out to run the table.


Hey Vince,

Here’s our most recent update regarding the Linux port of FireControl:


Awesome news! Cant wait!

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6 weeks since.
Crickets are soothing.
Just sayin’

Hmm. It took me until today to realize that the post I’ve been replying to was a repost of one done way back in April. I’m pretty sure this is all wishes and other vaporous ether.

I dumped Windows many years ago. Every computer we own in our Real Estate and my U.S. Off Road businesses run Linux Mint. My CAD PC as well, with FreeCAD.

I’ll never go back to Windows, the reliability, efficiency and overall user experience is far better on Mint/Ubuntu or any other Linux port than Windows. Hopefully by the time my machine arrives this will be available. @langmuirsystems @langmuir-reilly any updates?

I hate to tell you bgalbgraith, but the Linux myth has been lingering on for a couple years and there has been zero evidence shown that Langmuir has spent one minute on the development of a Linux port - only claims.
I am with you and highly prefer Linux for anything I do, but unfortunately we’re stuck with Windows to run our Langmuir. The only alternative is to hack the box so you can control it with your own system, in which case you might as well design & build your own machine and upgrade some of that as well. It’s a real shame.

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You could certainly replace the control board and run the table from Linux CNC but you’d loose out on the Firecontrol interface. Fortunately it takes virtually nothing as far as resources to run Firecontrol so a inexpensive light weight laptop with Win10/11 runs it just fine.

You do realize you can go delete Windows updates and turn off updates right? I would also check to makes sure there isn’t something else wrong. I updated my PC no issues.

This topic has been discussed for a while you can’t blame ld for going in the direction that most people are. Why don’t you call ls and hear from the horses mouth why they haven’t followed through. It may be out of there hands. I believe they outsource some if not all their programming.

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@vinito your frustration with @langmuirsystems lack of progress on the Firecontrol port for Linux is understandable .

As Bill Gates once said, “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten."


They did post a while ago and explain that they had outsourced the programming to a firm in Ukraine BEFORE the invasion. So:

  1. They did provide a plausible reason that it would be late,
  2. As @Phillipw describes, there are workarounds to prevent Windows 10 updates (I use them and they work).
  3. Take your effing whining somewhere else.

I’m still running windows 10, I block the updates. If I figured out how to block, then anyone can …

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Let me put this another way so the hard-headed might finally get just a small sliver of a tidbit through their thick skull…
So you have absolutely no problem with the following statement (directly from the horse’s mouth, btw) and are completely mystified by my frustration?

No one has said you don’t have a right to be upset. I offered a work around until you get what you need. Then yes check in with ls to see what is going on. Do you think them and suppliers they use are not like everyone else? Workers and supplies are not what they should be. This is in every industry.

I wasn’t being rude at all. Why did you buy a machine that uses a operating system that you cant use or willing ?I ask that because no one else is complaining yeah other may like the option. Again I don’t want to come off rude and I do understand sometimes you need to vent . Some of us was just offering what help we could.


A computer can’t update on its own, if it’s not connected to the internet. Running mine on Windows 10 and Firecontrol 20.6.2 for the last 2 years and no updates. No physical connection and wifi turned off means no unwanted updates.


@vinito …insults thrown like this are uncalled for.

This is a place of conversation and discussion between grown open minded adults.

Times change…situations change…priorities change…everyhing changes.

It is unfortuneate that you take your choice of feeling anger and putting into into insults, when you could be using the energy and effort into working with the problem, and making it work.

I do hope you find a way to refocus and to work something out for yourself.