Fire Control for Linux (please!)

They did post a while ago and explain that they had outsourced the programming to a firm in Ukraine BEFORE the invasion. So:

  1. They did provide a plausible reason that it would be late,
  2. As @Phillipw describes, there are workarounds to prevent Windows 10 updates (I use them and they work).
  3. Take your effing whining somewhere else.

I’m still running windows 10, I block the updates. If I figured out how to block, then anyone can …

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Let me put this another way so the hard-headed might finally get just a small sliver of a tidbit through their thick skull…
So you have absolutely no problem with the following statement (directly from the horse’s mouth, btw) and are completely mystified by my frustration?

No one has said you don’t have a right to be upset. I offered a work around until you get what you need. Then yes check in with ls to see what is going on. Do you think them and suppliers they use are not like everyone else? Workers and supplies are not what they should be. This is in every industry.

I wasn’t being rude at all. Why did you buy a machine that uses a operating system that you cant use or willing ?I ask that because no one else is complaining yeah other may like the option. Again I don’t want to come off rude and I do understand sometimes you need to vent . Some of us was just offering what help we could.


A computer can’t update on its own, if it’s not connected to the internet. Running mine on Windows 10 and Firecontrol 20.6.2 for the last 2 years and no updates. No physical connection and wifi turned off means no unwanted updates.


@vinito …insults thrown like this are uncalled for.

This is a place of conversation and discussion between grown open minded adults.

Times change…situations change…priorities change…everyhing changes.

It is unfortuneate that you take your choice of feeling anger and putting into into insults, when you could be using the energy and effort into working with the problem, and making it work.

I do hope you find a way to refocus and to work something out for yourself.


That’s honestly not an insult. It’s simply descriptive. What pillow and sugar do I need to smother over the fact that not a single reply (including yours) has totally ignored what I said, i.e. my specific grievance?
How many years need to pass before “Linux coming soon” is finally determined to be more than just “otherwise distracted” but more accurately a lie?

But I’ll give you what you all apparently want. Just as in the rest of any gathering of more than two people anywhere in the world today, this location is a waste of my time. I don’t mind making an argument one way or another over things where people might differ, but when one says “x happened thus y” and 10 replies come back “banana and shame on you for you’re an idiot”, then you can continue to enjoy your party without me.

I won’t buy anything from Langmuir in the future, I will gladly explain to anyone asking for references about them why I’ve made that decision, and I will never return to this forum. Congratulations.
Feel free to scrub it of my presence if you wish

By by numb nuts,you won’t be missed…

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:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:. I honestly have not seen any disrespect to this person. Has anyone else???

I didn’t see anything I would consider disrespect. I understand his frustration with not getting a Linux version of Firecontrol.

The problem is that he seems focused on that aspect and completely ignores the fact his Windows update problem was completely preventable.

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Yeah. I mean when I get mad I get mad all over but anger issues is something else.

I wish ls would have updated him.

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Hey Everyone,

We wholeheartedly believe in your right to air your grievances on our Forum; this is a space for open discussion and we don’t want to interfere with that. That being said, insulting others is never acceptable, nor is it conducive to constructive conversation.

Unfortunately, at this time, we have no further updates on FireControl for Linux. As mentioned previously, it has been delayed due to global events as well as low demand. There will be an announcement when we have more information.

Locking this thread.