Fine tip electrodes

Running a pro table with a duramax machine torch, currently using hypertherm powermax45 XP consumables, need fine cut electrodes, can someone help? cant find anywhere, any help would be appreciated

In your manual should have all the part numbers. You have to change the whole consumable stack though. eBay or Amazon should have them.

I’ve found them at Harris Welding Supply.

can only find 5 packs of the same electrodes, trying to figure out how to buy a finer tip electrode to have a finer cut on the plasma table

The electrode is not what makes it fine cut. The nozzle is.

The electrode should be the same for both, but the nozzle and swirl ring are different.

As mentioned, if you have the 45xp has all of the part numbers listed for fine cut consumables.


@judgey Welcome to the forum

You also need a different deflector and difference swirl ring to run fine cut consumables.


Here is another topic that discusses various options, retailers.

I would be careful of off-brand consumables: been there, done that. The nozzle lasted no more than 45 seconds with a standard consumable stack.


Great Info, Thanks

Thanks Again my friend

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