Fighting corrosion in water table with sacrificial anode?

Hi - new to the forum and new to crossfire. My pro is delivering later this week - very excited.

I don’t plan on using any additives to the water bed to prevent corrosion (I’ve looked at the green liquid and borax as common paths). But I was wondering if anyone has tried using a sacrificial anode. They make magnesium anodes for boats to protect any exposed metal parts. Same with hot water heaters.

Has anyone tried a sacrificial anode before?

Also how many people here leave their water to freeze in the winter?

Thanks in advance,

One thing to think about you water pan is stainless steel. If you use it much and drain the water regular you will replace your slates long before rust is ever a issue. I would recommend just draining the water table when not in use.

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I would curious how this works. If you go that route please post your findings

Quick update here. I got my plasma table operational this weekend and wanted to move forward with this. I didn’t buy one of the boat anodes as they were a bit pricey.

I had a spare sacrificial anode for a hot water heater in my garage that I cut to the depth of the water table. I laid it down to the left of the leftmost slat. I did see some rust the next morning, but interestingly I saw more on the right side of the water table. Electrically they should be connected so I’m not sure why that would matter.

Either way, like most have suggested, draining the beds after use is probably the best option.


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Thanks for the follow up. So what was it that was rusting? Slats, cut debris?

Both sides have rust. The right side I see it mostly on the slats. Left side where all my first cuts were made I don’t see as much, except where the heat was greater while cutting. There is some small amount of rusting on some of the drop parts/slag.

I was hoping it would prevent rust. It didn’t, but FWIW it does appear to have reduced it a bit by comparison…


I should add, I drained the table yesterday, the left side had the anode left on the water table (in the small amount of water that doesn’t drain). Right side also had residual water, and significantly more rust…

Want to stop the rust, use a additive. I use Sterlingcool it keeps things from rusting


That’s what I’ll likely go with. Was hoping for a cheaper alternative.

If anyone is interested this was my original logic for the anode-
I’m also an avid home brewer, I have an electric system with some small exposed steel parts where my heating elements enter through the side of the kettle. First time I left water in the kettle it rusted. I tossed an 8” chunk of Mg from another HWH anode in there and can leave water in there 24/7 with no rust.

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