I was in the crossfire facebook group and someone had mentioned that there was a list of everything needed to make the OG crossfire into a bigger table, like 4×4 or 4×8. I have the OG crossfire with XL kit, THC and the newer control box with Forecontrol, i know i need the 2×2 square tube, but what bearing block do i need to get for the other side of X gantry, what stepper motor for other side, what lead screws and anything else for lead screws or anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated, i have used the search bar but cant find anything, not sure exactly what to type in to find what i am looking for. Thank you in advance for any help.
hey guys…any help here…
I’m not sure about the model terminology of the OG tables. Maybe this will help,…maybe not.
XXL Expansion project - CrossFire ® / General Discussion - Langmuir Systems Forum
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