Easy scriber workflow

I recently bought an easy scriber but can’t find any definitive answers on the proper workflow as far as scribing any lines on the work piece and then cutting out the part.

I’m using sheetcam for CAM. I would assume you would do two different layers, one for scribe lines and one for cut lines. After making a new jet cutting tool for the easy scriber, I would then do two plasma cutting operations. Again, one for scribed lines and one for the actual cutting operation. Where I’m confused is how do you bring it in to Fire control and concurrently run these two operations. I’d like it to do the scribing operation, pause the program, switch out the easy scriber for the plasma consumables and finish with the cutting operation.

Am I on the right track or do I have to go about this a completely different way? Thanks in advance.

One operation for scribing, and a separation operation for cutting.

Super easy, just make two files as A and B.

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That makes sense. So as long as I post process both the “A” and “B” files out of sheetcam with the same origin point on both X and Y axes, they will locate correctly when I load them into Fire control correct?

Maybe someone can chime in as I don’t use Sheetcam, but if it helps I’ll explain how I do things.

I have done sketches where I would include both the scribed geometries as well as the cut out in one sketch so that I had a reference for setting things up in CAM and Firecontrol.

I’ve also done two sketches in the same file in a layered fashion and would create a different setup for each sketch.

Works either way since you’re just using A as your scribe pattern, then return to work zero. Replace your easyscriber with your consumable set, fire up the air compressor and plasma cutter, then run B for cutting.

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