Do we need to re post-process programs for the thc

Just wondering if programs that we already have made in fusion, need to be redone in cam in order for the THC to function properly? I would assume so but would like some clarification. Also what changes in cam need to be done for this to happen?

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Way back when somewhere LS stated that tap files created for the regular crossfire would no work with the THC. So my understanding is they will have to be recreated for the THC. Thats all I remember about it all. Maybe someone knows where that statement is at and bump it up or copy paste here.

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You’ll need to re-post your programs with the new post processor (either sheetcam or fusion 360). The reason isn’t solely for THC code snippets, but also for IHS.


Is there anything we need to do in fusion for setting the z axis ? Check out this link- it describes the settings that you need to select.


Awesome! Thanks Daniel

I’ve been working on the post install and am stuck at step A13. Where do I find the cutting properties to enter cut height, etc?

This is a snip of where I’m stuck.

I can see from your screenshot that you do not have the FireControl post selected (right now you have Acramatic/acramatic selected in the drop-down as your post). Please go back and re-do instructions A5 - A10 to select the correct post processor file for FireControl. If you are having any issues are confused with this step please let us know!

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Looks like I was able to get that done, but that’s as far as I can go without the electronics package to connect to. Can’t wait to get the rest of my setup!

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