That tiny one looks like a Z axis stepper motor.
I’ll check in a bit since I actually have an extra one, and snap a pic of it next to an X or Y axis motor.
It is, its the same size/torque as the already installed Z
You are correct and BigDaddy gave you the correct information earlier: you should not have a separate small stepper motor. You need another large one. The three motors that drive the gantry x & y should all be the same size (one large cord for the right side Y, one small cord for the left Y side and a small cord for the X.
So you guys already had this solved. Thanks for the pics!
Thanks for all the support here however, Langmuir support is giving me conflicting information rather than what we have come up with here? sounds like previous crossfire pro users have the same size Y steppers, mine are different sizes. Langmuir support just told me I’m supposed to have different size stepper motors on Y1 and Y2. Does that give everyone a warm and fuzzy?
That doesn’t make any sense. Different size cords, yes. Different size motors, no.
Both motors are driving the same load, so they should be the same power.
Specs show the same motor for X and both Y motors.
I know…Im not feeling warm and fuzzy pushing different torque power on different ends of the same axis
Don’t even try to use different motors on each side of the Y axis.
@langmuir-zack can you help this new Crossfire Pro customer?
Thanks for the reply and tag. Appreciate the help.
Can I ask anyone willing to attach a photo of their crossfire pro from the back with a clear picture of Y 1 and Y 2 steppers so I can email it back to langmuir support in contrast to my different size stepper motors.
Thank you.
As many have stated, same motor, different cord length.
If you look at any pictures of a Crossfire Pro (either online stock photo’s, or random photo’s of those belonging to others) you’ll see the motors are at different distances from motor → control box.
They’re not going to use the same length cause then you’ll have +4 extra feet of cable to deal with on the Y motor closest to the box.
Not discussing chord length. But thanks anyway
Well it seems you’re confused if you’re thinking anything else is different between both Y motors outside of cord length.
Not the central theme of the thread there either. Maybe read it from the beginning if you are curious about helping.
@clord46 Welcome to the Forum
It is NOT correct.
Determine which Y stepper motor you do have by measuring out the cord length. (it will be the bigger of the two motors)
Using this information contact Langmuir who will ship you the correct Y motor.
Thanks Tin, this is very well established, appreciate the help though.
@clord46 it is obvious from your picture one motor isn’t correct. Have you shared this picture with langmuir?
I have never seen them not make things right. There must be a break down in communication with them. They must not understand what you are telling them. I would suggest documenting all motors you have and share with langmuir.
Hey Philip, yep for sure. First email to langmuir had all the pics of motor disparity with explanation.
It was the new year so I was giving them a moment to collect their momentum back from the holliday.
When my X axis carriage mount was missing bearings Zack was very prompt in sending a new one out.
However the gentleman who returned my call in relation to the wrong Y stepper motors did not seem versed in this domain of tech…at all.
Im croud sourcing to this thread to hopefully see if this was an avenue of getting attention of langmuir techs who may monitor the forum.
Im going to call again today and see if i can find Zack again.
Thanks for your reply