CutControl 24.1.1 Bug Reports

Started a program and by line 3 I had to hit stop. Got the “program aborted”, acknowledged, then the UI stuck completely shaded out. Coolant and spindle running. Still was able to navigate the drop down menus. Exit and reopen CC and then spindle and coolant shutoff in the middle of CC loading.

I have not been able to reproduce though. If i do ill update this post.

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When jogging with the pendant (I assume the same will happen with a KB) and I press stop on my touch screen the error “Continuous jog operation has been aborted” message pops up.

When jogging the machine with the spindle and coolant on after doing a simple “manual cut” while jogging the machine away I hit stop to turn off the spindle and coolant. Then everything hangs, spindle and/or coolant still running. Hitting the reload button where the machine shows the current firmware version recovers the machine but homing is required. Also about half the time the jog button sticks and requires CC restart.

I’d also like to add the new soft limit reached pop up is unnecessary and aggravating. Please go back to the previous behavior when jogging and just stop momement.


Amen to the “soft limit reached pop up” Annoying AH.

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Not really a bug, just a suggestion. Is there any reason why sending the probe or tool to auto tool set or probe calibration doesnt raise the probe first? If the part is between your probe and the tool setter (like probing top left of the stock but the setter is at the bottom right of the base plate) it will drag the probe over the part if its flat and break the tip if its not. To make it a little worse, the same button on the pendant that raises Z also acknowledges the warning that you are about to send your part to the tool setter. Very east to destroy a probe tip.