CrossFire PRO Shipping

langmuir-danielCrossFire PRO

Oct '19

We plan to ship the CrossFire PRO in three boxes. There is a chance that we may try to ship it in two, but most likely it will be three. Below is a summary of each:

Box 1
This box will contain all of the tubes, slats, slat holders, cable support tube, lead screws. etc. It will weigh roughly 140 pounds. Dimensions are roughly 12" x 64" and 4" tall.

Box 2
This box will contain the hardware sub box, electronics box, motor sub box, and Z-Axis sub box. It will weigh roughly 50 pounds. Dimensions TBD.

Box 3
This box will contain the water table half sections and the the table frame gussets. It will weigh roughly 40 pounds and the dimensions are roughly 36" x 26" and 4" tall.

Each add-on option will come in its own separate box. For example, if you ordered a plasma cutter, THC, and laptop stand, then you will receive 6 boxes total.

Let me know if you have any questions!


just wondering at what stage you are at for ordering or receiving orders…I have not had any notification yet of my order…and like other people I am like a 10year old at Christmas right now…funny saying that at 55…I have order #8743
just really ready to start playing with my new toy

The email I got says I’m receiving 3 boxes. I received box 1 and 3 and box 2 says it’s being prepared for shipment. I ordered the THC so doesn’t that mean I should get 4 boxes? I just want to make sure I get everything I ordered and there won’t be a delay because something was missed.

As of Oct 19 that is what LS posted. I do not know if they changed it or not but thats the last I have seen on shipping details.Order #8774 so i will know soon but not before you do beens mine hasnt shipped yet.

8772 nothing yet. But I have faith it’s still the 30th and there on the west coast. Maybe tomorrow.

Awesome just got me a set of those wheels. Like the design with double duty. Might loose them before I get my Pro since I’m second batch, :triumph:.

Has anyone heard about delivery of the THC scheduled to ship yesterday for the group i am in ? Any update on the 2 of 3 ,is it on time ? whats the status on the software haven’t heard anything on it either ? Sorry for the questions I guess i am getting anxious to get this thing going, so I can start to gain some return $ on my investment… Still happy with my decision to wait for the Pro.

THC is delayed until mid feb due to the Chinese beer virus.

software is coming soon, according to their downloads page.

We have all of the Electronics and cabling for the THCs ready to ship. The only parts we are missing are the black plastic case that houses the VIM PCB. These cases were shipped from our supplier already for all of batch 1 and batch 2 and are currently sitting in a FedEx sorting facility in Shanghai. For those that don’t know , Shanghai is essentially under lockdown due to the coronavirus and no one is back to work yet.

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let me know where they’re housed in Shanghai and ill ship over some Lysol. should fix the problem…

Good news: Box One delivered!
Bad news: inbred UPS drivers are not able to differentiate between “on the porch” and “lean it up against the outside of the fence in the mud”. Guess I’ll open it up in daylight and see if they reengineered LS’s rail design into a more esthetically pleasing parabola. :slight_smile:


Box 1 arrived. Atleast it was laying on the concrete instead of the mud.

Water table box today. Getting closer to having a new toy.

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is LS going to sterilize all of the parts from china so we don’t all drop dead from the coronavirus? or should I buy an Ozone generator and a hazmat tent to put the Pro table in?

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That box is HEAVY! 140 lbs +

Is the 14th still looking solid for hardware shipment?


Spray it with Windex. You’ll be good to go! :joy:

Cant take credit as its from another thread ( but here are the 8-10mm studs to make that work:

I thought it was Windex that cured everything?

windex dont kill nothing but water spots on windows.

need that lysol.